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Posts posted by CollectiveWorld

  1. What would you like to see:
    Small fences at waist height around the corners of dueling mats

    How would it help the server and/or the player base:
    It would make it so saber users can run all around the mat without worrying about hitting other troopers or for anyone actually running in, seeing as they would need to jump over it. 

    Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: 
    I believe it will benefit dueling for both IQ, RG, and CC's

    • Like 1
  2. Weapon Stats Change:

    Weapon name: Electroblades(FX) / tfa_electrobladesfx

    Which jobs currently have the weapon?:

    Purge Brawler
    Purge Command
    Purge Combat Specialist [T2]

    Current stats:
    - Accuracy = 0 / Full Bar
    - Firerate = 600RPM
    - Mobility = 100%
    - Damage = 15 (though it really does 70/60)
    - Range = 0.02k
    - Stability = 50%

    New stats:
    - Accuracy = 0 / Full bar
    - Firerate = 700RPM
    - Mobility = 100%
    - Damage = 100
    - Range = 0.02k
    - Stability = 50%

    Why should this weapon be updated?:
    This change is suppose to be for Purge Brawler, Brawler are suppose to be a quick, agile force that spring into battle but with the default RPM and damage they arent able to swiftly take out their oponent, rather die in the mater of seconds due to a lightsaber. I wouldnt mark this as OP as it takes a long time to still kill a full HP jedi so it will take quite alot of purge. I really hope this can be changed as then it will give brawler a good enough chance against saber wielders.

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, Theta said:

    + support

    any staff member should know they are not above the rules and that this behavior is far from acceptable. I would say I'd like to wait for his side of the story, but his usage of two different weapons and high kill count shows it was deliberate in my books.


  4. 9 hours ago, SAINTY. said:

    + Support
    This is the 3rd time he has appealed this. He clearly wants to come back to the server and shouldn't be stopped by one minor situation which the person doesn't even care about anymore.



  5. 6 hours ago, Vertigo334 said:

    + Support

    Vibroknife rolls this thing in a 1v1, saber blades are always wonky with hit registration, and lengthening it even a little will bring it more in line with other weapons of similar price point.

    Would also look cooler since the blade is currently shorter than the guard thing on the hilt, so making it a little longer will make it look more like an actual weapon instead of a UV flashlight.


  6. 3 hours ago, Caroline said:

    +/- support

    + unnecessary roles should be cleared out yes, like how the research enlisted roles got condensed to one role.

    - however,  divider roles help organize the role menu and are pretty important for organization.


  7. 9 minutes ago, Bub said:

    -Support for now 

    You forgot to answer some of the question as well as fully answering the explanation of doing an on and offship event. Make sure to answer everything in an application the best you can. 




  8. 2 hours ago, Kiar said:

    Hello Mr. Chapo.
    So for clarification and understanding, it appears your ban was done via Console.
    It also appears that you have hit the 20 warn threshold limit for ImperialRP yesterday and as such, was banned until 5/12/2022
    The warn that caused the console ban was done by TM Lumm For the following reason: FailRP / Job switching to avoid arrest.
    Your previous 20 warn ban appears to be false as not all 20 warns were on ImperialRP, however, it also stated you attempted to MARDM, so thats up for debate as MRDM itself is a 5 day ban.

    As of now i will be -supporting this for the following reason:
    -Reaching the 20 warn threshold for ImperialRP.
    -You were recently banned from the ImperialRP Discord.
    - your previous warns and actions within the last couple months show that currently, you have no intent to improve your behavior within the community. and hopefully this break will help you cool off and help you better understand what you are and are not allowed to do.


    This could be due to the new automatic ban that was situated for every server so you were probably banned due to your acc having that warn threshold. 

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