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Posts posted by CollectiveWorld

  1. 10 hours ago, SAINTY. said:

    + Support
    - If the person you said this to no longer minds that you have said this and has moved on, I don't see why you shouldn't be unbanned. 
    - You never really caused issues on the server when you were in 501st also.

    Best of luck.


  2. 1 hour ago, JohnsAFK said:

                                  - Support
    Incredibly rascist spammed me with  racial slurs DM JohnsAFK#8594 on discord for screen shots

    i have seen it 

  3. -Support
    -Missed the 4th last question the most important question
    -After checking battlemetrics you have 2 months on the server not an hour but it varies from very little time

  4. 4 hours ago, Zarzar06 said:

    +/- Support

    - Has experience staffing

    - Sounds like a good guy

    -  Decent application


    - Haven’t seen on much

    - Recently came back (joined)


    More in the + support side but overall good luck!!


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