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Posts posted by CollectiveWorld

  1. On 4/14/2022 at 1:19 AM, oofWill said:

    Mass + support


    Active on forums and has great judgement skills. Without a doubt would beperfect for the forum diplomat team.

    Does really well in Support, would be good to see what they can do as a Forum Diplomat

  2. Hello, Name here. To change your display name on the forums. Click up the top right where you see your current username, Click the arrow to bring down the drop down menu and you should see account settings. Click on account settings and there you should see "Display Name"

  3. +Support 
    This Could help staff, saving them the ban time rather with console doing it for them. Plus if it happens as a console ban for 10 warns, it could be useful for 20 warns also. Some lower staff also dont check warns of a player when they do warn them which could lead to someone having the warn threshold like 20 but the staff member didnt check them which could then stop that person fro receiving their ban.

  4. 9 hours ago, Firekirby said:

    want there to be at least some action taken to ensure that this won't happen again to me or other players in the future. Right after he did it to me he said in the TS that he was going to go try to get someone else with it. It's really not that funny considering intentional earrape is considered an actual crime in my country (obviously hard to prove etc etc etc but still speaks to the severity), or the fact that people like myself have hypersensitivity to noise and tinnitus, or that things like this can cause someone ELSE to develop these things.

    I Did not say i was getting someone else with it

  5. So, Once again. If that did affect you again im sorry that jump scare was suppose to be a joke just for a little laugh. I talk with you guys alot late at night and i just wanted to send you something that i thought was funny, of course its not a major issue to make a report about and you could have come to talk to me about but i do see where you are coming from. I have been hit with that link before and it does give you a little scare and thats all i was leaning to get from that joke. Once again theres not much i can say as i thought it would give you a little laugh

    If i had known you had that i 100% would not have done that. I take jumpscares as a joke and nothing else and it seems you didnt take it as one. Again i would like to formally apologise for this but again i didnt mean anything other than a joke

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