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Posts posted by CollectiveWorld

  1. 2 hours ago, ZeferGaming said:

    Yeah I'm solely basing my magic on Dragon magic one of my spells deals Scarlet Rot witch is the most OP ability in the game. It's definitely a fun game I just beat the main story's second grand boss and am working towards getting to the next one as we speak. 

    Damn, goodluck man

  2. Elden ring is a hard and really time worthy game. Legit each boss takes hours to beat. You will be more drawn to Elden for a long time seeing as its a major success in release. Each build is unique and its quite amazing what people come up with, Mage is a common goto as magic in that is OP

  3. +Support

    - You seem rather eager to join and help out the community
    - Your app is ratheer decent though it could be better explained
    - You have read the GM guidelines and it shows as you have answered the questions correctly 
    - Decent Event idea

    - The only bad thing is just getting your time on the server up as i dont think your in game time really meets requirements 

  4. 23 hours ago, Bub said:

    - support

    The application is very short and you seem to be very new on the server.
    Make sure when you do application you explain well why you deserve the position and also how to deal with the sit.
    I reccomend you to take a look at other applications so you can see how other people wrote their applications.

    But dont let the minus supports disencourage you for trying to become staff! 

    If you try a little more into the questions, you could become a great staff, just take a little more time with your app^

  5. 7 hours ago, Crunch said:

    I see the use for this however my main worry would be how it effect server performance and if it is compatibility with our current NPC addons. I’m not a GM so I don’t know how it all works but just my two cents.

    Doesnt really seem like the best thing to be added, could see collision issues with it. Not seeing the major use of it

  6. Imperial: Royal Guard Information

    The Emperor's Royal Guard, also known as the Imperial Royal Guard, the Imperial Guard, or simply the Royal Guard, and under the Galactic Republic as the Red Guard, was an elite unit whose members served as personal bodyguards to the Galactic Emperor. In addition to strict requirements of size, strength, intelligence, and loyalty, only the most skilled soldiers in the Imperial Military qualified for duty in the Royal Guard. The Imperial Royal Guard were also occasionally assigned to provide protection to members of the Imperial Ruling Council and the Emperor's right-hand, Darth Vader.

    Royal Guard Rules: 
    ★ You Must Be Serious At All Times, No Minging On Job
    ★ Follow Chain Of Command And Command Orders
    ★ AFK In Bunks Only
    ★ Only Meditate In Royal Guard Bunks
    ★ When No VIP's Are Not On For You To Protect, Move To A Checkpoint
    ★  As A Royal Guard You Do Not Bow Or Salute To Anyone 
    ★ Follow The Defensive Rule
    ★  Do Not Abuse Your Clearance 

    Royal Guard Ranks (Army Equivalency)

    ImplGuardBanner1.png                                                                                            ImplGuardBanner1.png

    Royal Guard Command

    The Royal Guard Command Team Are Seen Are Royal Guards That Have Been There For The Longest Of Times, Worked Their Way Up The Ranks, And Overseen It As A Whole. The Royal Guard Command Team Are A Small Group Of People, Spread Into Two Groups. Executive Command And The Command Team. Exective Command Are The Commanders And Vice Commanders Of The Battalion, In Charge Of Decisions, Changes, And Promotions; The Highest Of The Bunch. The Command Team Are High Ranking Officers Who have Experience And The Necessary Steps To Become A True Leader. They Are Tasked With Leading And Assisting All Lower Positions, Making Sure The Battalion Is Running Smoothly, Orders Are Being Issued To Lower Ranks By NCOs, And Of Course Followed By Exective Command. They Are Also Tasked With Keeping An Extra Eye On The Activity Of All Members Of Royal Guard And Issuing Promotions To NCOs That Have Proven Themselves, They Work along-side The Exective Command Team. 

    Executive Command:

     High Sovereign - [Senior Commander] - [Imperial Sovereign Protector]
    - Can Promote Up To COL -

     Sovereign Protector - [Commander] - [Imperial Sovereign Protector]
    - Can Promote Up To COL -

    Vice Sovereign Protector - [Vice Commander] - [Imperial Sovereign Protector]
    - Can Promote Up to LTCOL - 

    Command Team

    Centurion Guard - [Colonel] - [Imperial Senior Guard]
    - Can Promote Up To 1LT (Must Talk to Command) -

    Elder Guard - [Lieutenant Colonel] - [Imperial Senior Guard]
    - Can Promote Up To 2LT (Must Talk to Command) -

    Lore Senior Guard - [Major] - [Imperial Senior Guard]
    - Can Promote Up To CSM -

    Junior Officer Ranks

    Junior Officers Are The Beginning Ranks Of The Royal Guard Command Team, Junior Officers are tasked with leading NCO's & Enlisted, and assisting members of the Royal Guards. They Work Closely With Command And Have The Ability To Promote Enlisted, To NCO's. They Also Have The Ability To Lead During Events/Missions If Picked As Ground Command. Junior Officers Should Have The Necessary Skills To Know Their Limits, And What They Can Do To Increase The General Status Of The Battalion. Junior Officers Are Tasked With Keeping NCO's Accountable With Sims/Trainings That Should Be Hosted Daily, Occasionaly Doing So Too.

    Trial Officers

    Senior Honor Guard - [Captain] - [Imperial Senior Guard] 
    - Can Promote Up To 1SGT

    Senior Guard - [1st Lieutenant] - [Imperial Senior Guard] 
    - Can Promote Up To Master Sergeant (MSGT)

    Trial Senior Guard - [2nd Lieutenant] - [Imperial Senior Guard] - (First Officer Rank}
    - Can Promote Up To Sergeant First Class (SFC) 

    Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks

    Senior NCO's Are Experienced NCO's And Are Expected To Teach The Junior NCOs More Leadership Skills.  Senior NCO's Are Seen As Junior NCO Supervisors. You Are To Monitor Them And Report Any Good Or Bad Attributes That They Display To Officers. They Work Closely With Junior Officers & Officers To Improve General Status Of The Battalion.

    Senior NCO's

    Royal Guard VII - [Commanding Sergeant Major] - {Highest Rank Of The NCO Team}

    Royal Guard VI - [Sergeant Major] - {SGM}

    Royal Guard V - [First Sergeant] - {1SGT}

    Non-Commissioned Officers
    Non-Commissioned Officers First Rank Is Sergeant. You Are Expected To Be Fully Knowledgeable About Every Aspect Of The Battalion. You Are To Teach The Enlisted The Duties Of An NCO, And Lead By Example. NCO's Are To Be Focusing On Tryouts & Managing The Enlisted, As You Will Not Get Promoted Unless You Host Tryouts (Train Royal Guard For The Job). You Also Get The Responsibility Of Hosting Sims And Trainings For The Battalion, To Better Enlisted's Understanding And Work Ethics Of The Battalion.


    Royal Guard IV - [Master Sergeant] - {MSGT}

    Royal Guard III - [Sergeant First Class] - {SFC}

    Royal Guard II - [Staff Sergeant] - {SSGT}

    Royal Guard I - [Sergeant] - {SGT} - (First Rank Of NCO}


    Junior Non-Commissioned Officer/Enlisted
    Junior Non-Commissioned Officers are at the rank of LCPL & CPL, They are expected to work with the SGT's on tryouts, Leading, and incentivizing ideas for new people to join the battalion. They are to WORK with the Non-Commissioned Officers, they are still considered enlisted but have the ability to develop a personal understanding on becoming an NCO in the battalion.  Enlisted are expected to learn the ins and outs of the Royal Guard, They are encouraged to ask questions and understand their limits and what RG has to offer later in the chain. They have the ability to be promoted and they will be prioritized based on their experience, ability to lead, and understandings of the battalion. 

    Junior NCO

    Royal Guard CDT IV - [Corpral] - {CPL} - (Highest Rank Of Junior NCO

    Royal Guard CDT III - [Lance Corpral] - {LCPL}


    Royal Guard CDT II - [Specialist] - {SPC}

    Royal Guard CDT I - [Private First Class] - {PFC} 

    Royal Guard CDT - [Private] - {PVT} - (First Rank Of The Enlisted Team, Starting Rank)


    Royal Guard Expectations

    Officers / NCO / Enlisted / All
    ✔Attend weekly meetings and training to stay up to date with RG activities/Announcements.

    ✔Promote Enlisted & NCO's who are doing good (Follow Cooldown)

    ✔Be considerate of your decisions & follow all server wide rules.

    ✔Follow the Command SOP (MAJ+)

    ✔Report Violations to your Superiors & Command

    ✔Enforce & Follow The SOP

    ✔Attend Weekly Command Meetings (MAJ+)

    ✔Guide Enlisted & NCO's, & Do your duties responsibly 

    ✔ Host Training/Simulations With Enlisted & NCO's

    ✔  Be Active Everyday

    ✔ Make Sure To Be In Teamspeak On Job

    ✔ Have Fun


    Royal Guard Sub-Branch's  

    Shadow Guard


    Shadow Guards were an organization of elite soldiers who served the Galactic Empire during the Great Jedi Purge. They were the highest ranking branch of the Emperor's Guardsmen and fought alongside the Royal Guard and Senate Guard. Their appearance was identical to the Royal Guard, except that their armor and visor colors were inverted, with the full body armor and robe being black and the visor red. Few Imperials knew the true origins of the mysterious and powerful Shadow Guard. They were silent and enigmatic warriors that received orders directly from Emperor Palpatine himself. The Shadow Guards commanded a great level of respect within the Empire's ranks and often led elite Imperial commandos into battle against the Emperor's most hated foes. They often called upon the services of the Shadow Stormtroopers during their battle engagements. Their primary weapon was a Lightsaber Pike with a red beam extending from the tip of the weapon. In addition to this, their equipment included a heavy blaster pistol as well as a utility belt which included a medpac. Also, they possessed a comlink which was long range, encrypted and miniaturized as well as included hologram capability. These guardsmen demonstrated Force powers of their own which led many to suspect that they were in fact former Jedi that had been captured, tortured and brainwashed by Palpatine. However, others believed that the Shadow Guards were simply loyal members of the Emperor's red robed Royal Guard who were trained secretly in the basic skills of the Sith arts.

    [Have To Be Royal Guard CDT IV To Attend Tryouts]

    Royal Guard Trainings/Simulations

    ♢ Dueling Session's

    ♢ Saber throw Training

    ♢VIP Protection

    ♢Saber Discipline

    ♢Marching Training

    ♢PVT Simulation & PVE Simulation

    ♢Conjoint SIM's with other Battalions and Regiments

    ♢Dueling Tournaments

    ♢ Lore session

    ♢ SOP Quiz

    (All Can Be Hosted By SGT+)

    Defcon Duties (Rank: NCO)

    Defcon 5

    This Is A Time Where You Can Be Hosting Sims/Trainings, Trying To Get Flag Ups And Increase Royal Guard Activity, Encouraging Prizes And Rewards.

    Defcon 4

    You Must Lead Your Enlisted, Reasuring Them Where To Go And What To Do, Acting As A Leader And Now Taking That Practice To A Real Situation

    Defcon 3

    Using Teamwork, Knowledge and Experience, Do Your Best To Plan Out A Strategy, leading And Guiding Enlisted To Do The Right Things

    Defcon 2

    Follow SOP And Guidelines To Swiftly Take Out Enemies Aboard, Encouraging And Teaching Others While Doing Your Duties As A Trooper

    Defcon 1

    In A Calm Professional Manner, Escort Troopers to Profound Location. Lead Them Off The Ship And Regroup, Waiting For Command Orders

    Your Role As A Royal Guard

    In The Royal Guard Division, You Will Be Set With Guarding And Protecting Different VIP's. These People Are Valuable Command Members That The Empire Cannot Afford To Lose. Whilst Participating In Trainings And Simulations You Better Your Knowledge, Listening To Orders And Doing Set Taks The Best Of Your Ability. Maintain A Professional Manner, You Are An Elite Guard. Using TeamWork, Communication And Intense Skill You Are To Takeout Hostiles, Awaiting VIP Movement Or Orders. You Follow Your Procedures And Guidelines To Meet Day To Day Acts Whilst Being Respectful To Others, And Other Protection Detail. As A Chosen Member Of Importance, Handpicked From The Emperor Himself, You Stand In Honor, As A Member Of The Imperial Royal Guard

    Extra Information
    Made And Formated By: Name/The Grand Inquisitor
    Approved By: Name/The Grand Inquisitor

    If You Wish To Know More About Royal Guard, Or Are Interested In The Battalion, Locate To The Handbook Below To Find More Knowledge On What We Have To Offer And What We Are About.

    Royal Guard Hanbook: https://sites.google.com/view/royalguardhandbook/royal-guard-sop

    The Emperor's Royal Guards: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Emperor's_Royal_Guard#:~:text=Take the quiz-,Description,unsurpassed in skill and status. 

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