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Posts posted by CollectiveWorld

  1. +Support
    -Although it wasnt the smartest thing to have done it is quite minor
    -Hopefully jimmy can Accept your apology and invite you back into the community
    -You seem like a genuin guy just trying to get a laugh
    -I wouldnt argue with SMT anyway but then again i dont know what actually went down
    -You should be more careful in what you do next time but then again we all do dumb things we regret later
    -Goodluck man

  2. ISB Job Changes

    Job/Class Name: ISB Enlisted

    - Current: 450
    - New: 500

    Job/Class Name: ISB Officer

    - Current: 450
    - New: 600

    Job/Class Name: ISB Command

    - Current: 500
    - New: 700

    Job/Class Name: ISB Deupty Director

    - Current: 700
    - New: 900

    Job/Class Name: ISB Director Orson Krennic

    - Current: 800
    - New: 1000

    Reason for health/armor changes: Alot of time on the ISB job when you are getting shot at by rebels or fellow troopers you see them die really easily with their low base HP. Alot of gms either dont have upgrades or their standard HP isnt enough. Even with protection detail it is hard when their VIP has such low HP when they are involved in so much combat. I believe with this buff it could make it so much more efficeint to be or get onto the ISB jobs and of course the more you rank up the more hp you get. It gives people a reason to jump on the ISB jobs and not use administration as alot of people prefer that as they can use staff commands. I would prefer to keep to the rp realism and use the jobs given for that reason

    Job/Class Name: ISB Command 

    Weapon Kit: 

    - Current loadout:

    - Add:

    Job/Class Name: ISB Deputy Director

    Weapon Kit: 

    - Current loadout:

    - Add:


    Job/Class Name: ISB Director Orson Krennic

    Weapon Kit: 

    - Current loadout:

    - Add:

    Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): I believe these weapons should be added to these jobs due to the bad loadout that the ISB jobs get selected to. They get the standard SF job loadout which i believe they should get better weapons in. WIthout having to spawn your own weapons in i would like there certain jobs to have an opportunity to fight back and have fun with these weapons as these weapons are related to DT and ISB are really made for DT which would make sense why they get their weaponry. I have given of course one more weapon to the Deputy and Director due to it not being the same as every ISB class just like how it was before. These ISB jobs were used but shortly after were never jumped on due which i believe these weapon changes and hp changes could fix as people love updates

    Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?:
    I believe it will increase acitivity within the GM class of ISB due to the now buffed ISB job which will give a reason for people to jump on, increasing RP relations without pulling out a physgun or flying and using commands.

    (Approved By Head Gamemaster Mando and Assistant Head Gamemaster PC)

  3. On 4/14/2022 at 5:54 AM, Chombos said:

    By far more professional then most of the people I've seen in the RP branches
    on SCPRP. He is a swell guy and I know for a fact he is trustworthy.
    Not only reaching the rank of Admin but also Decently high up the RP rank ladder.


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