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Retired Staff
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Posts posted by CollectiveWorld

  1. Please stop making invalid posts here. Your ban appeal was denied due to your lack of respect and dedication in your appeal. If you would like to make another one you can but fix it up next time. Obviously not right now. Also the message to send you SMT calling them a "dumb son of a bitch" doesnt help your case either

  2. -Support
    You have zero claims or disputes towards your ban, rather you are just mucking around in your ban appeal with zero effort, referring to the Senior Management Team in an unprofessional manner. Therefore i do not support your ban appeal until you fix it up or double the effort


  3. 12 hours ago, Zarzar06 said:

    + Support


    - EXTREMELY detailed answers

    -  Very well made application 

    - Experience as a Gamemaster

    - Familiar with commands

    - Professional 


    - Very new to the community 


    Very new to the community however has past experience as a GM and knows how they function also has a good application with answers that are in great detail might need a little more time on the server however best of luck!!!!


  4. Delete all your LUA files on gmod next time as ununstalling it doesnt do much (Deleting old LUA files on old servers would clean up the game and help your PC performance). That could help your low performance. For trying to fix your game. Head to steam, go to library, click on gmod and go through properties and validate your steam files. After this is done, try launch your game and it should work. If it doesnt, restart your PC

  5. +Support

    I did see it happen. Even flying the ship itself it didnt want to actually move or go forward and would sometimes throw itself around

    Doesnt have all the time, though, could be annoying if you really needed to go somewhere though or trying to fly people

  6. 35 minutes ago, Cinder said:

    [ +Support ]


    - Event Ideas are good.

    - Active and I see you around communicating with people.

    - I believe you can do well, everything is a learning experience, I trust with a little bit of guidance, you will skyrocket through Gamemaster and your Roleplay ranks.

    - I would for certain watch a few Starwars Movies or even some of the series on Disney+ to learn some lore.




  7. On 4/8/2022 at 8:58 PM, LightningNinja said:

    - Support
    ~ Application needs more detail. 
    ~ Some incorrect information (Forum date).
    ~ Not a lot of staffing experience.
    Note: Personally, I think that GM'ing and Staffing are completely different things
    ~ Personally haven't seen much in game.
    ~ Saying that GM is boring isn't the right thing to do


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