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Posts posted by CollectiveWorld

  1. On 1/23/2022 at 5:46 AM, Diz said:

    Please follow this format or your appeal WILL be denied.

    Edit: You posted this in the wrong place, you should post it in SCP-RP ban appeals.


  2. On 2/12/2022 at 6:18 PM, ArcanineGoat said:

    Huge +Support
    As it stands right now, STs are quite basic and lack essentially any amount of variety or any incentive to stay within the battalion. I believe this change presents very few to zero problems/issues/concerns to both the community and STs as a whole. This update would both largely benefit the server and makes sense in lore. 

    Overall I massively support this update and believe it would massively support all members involved !


  3. On 2/12/2022 at 5:26 PM, SAINTY. said:

    Huge +Support
    Honestly, the current scout models are awful, the orange checkered is just not it.
    This will make scouts into a separate thing like shore which will be perfect for the scouts as the roster sizes are basically identical.
    Will make scouts more appealing
    Models look so nice

    This needs accepting due to it not only increasing activity among scout troopers, but will attract way more people into ST!


  4. 20 hours ago, ArcanineGoat said:

    - Support
    Although I think this idea as a whole is very cool and could potentially be a beneficial addon, There stands 3 very large issues with this proposition.
    - The steam files you linked do not make sense with lore.
    - The steam files you linked add up to 1.5Gbs which is entirely too big.
    - The toll these items would likely place on the server would make the class unusable unless at very low player pop. Think of the situation with Havoc and their vehicles, they caused so much lag they were essentially never used.


  5. On 2/7/2022 at 9:58 PM, Nex_yes said:

    massive +Gaminglight Imperal RP


    Gaminglight Imperal RP.

    Gaminglight Imperal RP.

    -Gaminglight Imperal RP

    Gaminglight Imperal RP

    Gaminglight Imperal RP

    Gaminglight Imperal RP

    Gaminglight Imperal RP

    Gaminglight Imperal RP


  6. 5 hours ago, KitChan said:


    You and my Nova PVT were being stupid in front of Purge and acting like absolute minges, so with this being said this warn is appropriate for this Situation and this case you both should of went ur own separate ways and did something else that isn't minging.


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