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Everything posted by Worceshire

  1. Other Suggestion Format: What do you want to see?:The IQ Mat removed from dueling UI Why should we add it?: Becuase it is annoying IQ having St's randomly go in there to troll in a duel. Many times there are st's getting jailed in same jailcell and they make a dueling session to troll. What are the advantages of having this?: It helps IQ out a lot in stress factor Who is it mainly for?: IQ Links to any content: no
  2. +Support +Dedicated member +Has been staff on other servers - Kind of a short application - Could go into a bit more detail on the 15th question
  3. +Support This will solve many problems with doing the same of events, they can do many different and more creative ideas.
  4. +Support + Great Person + Active + Trustworthy +Good Application +Dedicated +He's Been Staff before
  5. thats what im saying hes never really on when we really need tie fighters so he cant approve it
  6. +Support This would help out everyone would make people in navels lives much much easier and simple. I hope this gets added as it really needs to.
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