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Everything posted by Tactical

  1. much love to you man i wish you all the best homie
  2. -support IRL not all robbers are gonna go in guns blazing so if they know your code thats your fault giving them a chance to raid silently
  3. -support looks very basic and ours in my opinion looks better
  4. damn bro wish you the best of luck and would love to meet u irl sometime go to a spoons and get smashed, hope you succeed in everything u wish in the future homie peace
  5. -support we take homophobia and racism seriously whether its said to hurt someone or not
  6. homie said brethren, come to my gaff fam
  7. +support cool idea not giving out super ammounts of money but will hopefully increase gov activity
  8. if you are using geforce to play gmod that does that make a support ticket in our main discord and we can help you further there
  9. sounds like a skill issue (jokes) +support i see no reason why this shouldnt be made a thing
  10. the time drippy did hostage negotiation's in a wheelchair then blew up the place
  11. thanks for your service sad to see you leave man wish you the best
  12. +support decent app has staffed before
  13. +support homie thought he would get a UAV
  14. it was good fun when u joined and sad to see you leave best of luck to you
  15. +support its soup95 cool guy very friendly guy warns are old
  16. +support seems like a cool idea and players would understand they cannot return for set ammount of time
  17. all really cool ideas BUT theres no links to anything
  18. +support From what i can see in the clip it sounds like he was generally asking her to do that, an insult would simply be an interaction and ass there walking away him saying "suck my ####" that would be within RP, unfortunately he actually asked her so +support from me, i dont think it needs a ban but a warn maybe
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