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Everything posted by B0B

  1. -Support - Extremely rushed application, little any effort put into it. - Hardly no knowledge about ULX. - You didn't answer the full question giving an example of an On-Ship and Off-Ship. - Clearly did not read the guidelines as they describe how a proper event is constructed and how to put it together
  2. What do you want to see?: Give GMs access to spawn skybox props. ( Ex models/gaminglight/isd/isdprop.mdl ) Why should we add it?: In terms of building something for an event, it gives the gamemaster team a lot more props to work with. What are the advantages of having this?: Skybox props provide the opportunity to create unique events, as skybox props are rarely used by anyone. You could, for example, use the hyperspace prop to create a vortex around the ISD. Who is it mainly for?: Gamemaster Team Links to any content: N/A Note: I can send some props that would help GMs alot
  3. I have also seen his suggestion regarding events, and he really wants to become a member of our GM team.
  4. B0B

    Husky SGM app

    Massive +Support -Very Experienced GM -Good Quality Events -Always Open To Help Others -Ambition to grow the team The Mega Event could be more spaced out and divided into different sections (Plan 1 And Plan 2) Make a section stating GMs and Actors. ( this is just a suggestions nothing thats gonna affect the +support ) I have personally worked with him doing events, and he is an amazing guy, he's 100% ready for this position
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