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00 𝓓π“ͺ𝓻𝓴 00

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00 𝓓π“ͺ𝓻𝓴 00 last won the day on November 18 2023

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  1. Thank you for your service your resignation has been noted.
  2. - Support You forgot to apply in the application
  3. + Support If he gets warned for that, Matilda should get warned for all the times she RDMs also, Example shown bellow,
  4. - Support Not Really Much Wrong Doing In My Opinion, maybe a slap on the wrist for bad jokes but that should be on both ends with the name calling.
  5. - Support 1) you cant appeal warn bans 2) as for the warn its not false, you where copbaiting, FailRP, RDMed, much very playerdiss you got what you deserve Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
  6. Your name: Dark Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): dark_mcr Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136): 76561198281584503 Which discord server were you banned on? Premier Club What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? Its apparently a Kick, I was kicked not too sure why, i hadn't talked for about a week or so then i go to check it out and its not there, someone told me i was kick by Zeeptin, I asked Nimo about it but he wasn't sure either, just looking to see if i could get another invite in, may of been a mistake. Why do you deserve to be unbanned? Not too sure why I was kicked, not sure if it was a mistake and meant to kick someone else.
  7. In-Game Name: Dark Steam Name: [GL] πŸ—‘DarkπŸ—‘ SteamID: STEAM_0:1:160659387 What is your discord username? dark_mcr What is your staff rank in GamingLight? Moderator How often are you on TeamSpeak? Constantly How often do you use Discord? Daily, I check pings every hour or so Why would you like to be a member of the Support Team? (150 word minimum)? I would like to join the support team for many reasons. Firstly, I have experience in the support team twice reaching support supervisor at my highest rank. I also find that helping people over TS or discord can help the community a lot and help with player retention if the support team is there to help when they have a problem. I am usually pretty fast at responding when there is a ticket open and am pretty much always in TS. To add to this, I believe that my experience in this role will help be advantaged over other applicants as I already have decent knowledge about the community and Garry's Mod as a whole. I am also not afraid to ask for help if I'm not 100% sure if I know the correct solutions. With my previous experience and my general knowledge of the community and the game it self I believe that I would be a good addition to the support team. Why should we trust you to become a member of the Support Team? I should be trusted due to my previous experience and knowledge How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels? I would great them by saying something along the lines of " Hello, my name is Dark from the support team, I see that you've opened a ticket for (insert ticket type (ex: in-game support)) would you mind giving me a short run down of the problem so that we can fix it together?
  8. going to a PD meeting and listening to @MiniEpic getting bullied
  9. - Support I say all or nothing tbh, either you can or you cant, no strings attached
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