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Its Buck

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Everything posted by Its Buck

  1. +support Current E11 HCMD, competent. Good choice for forum diplomat
  2. MASSIVE +SUPPORT Global is a fucking G and did great work for E11 and D4. he has lots of SF experience being D4 command, EOI and E4. he was also command in CI Mil, CI RnD, and E11. perfect canidate for A1 command
  3. +support Woman She does a lot of great work for D4 and E11. She is also super chill and fun to work with, has loads of experience as E11 LTCOL being SCMD (CPT+) for over a year almost. I have full confidence in Sogi being A1 command
  4. EZ medbay (Not too old but still golden) CI base having an actual outer defense and the inside being a tiny ass hole in the wall where DB couldn’t hold more then 15 people. And there was literally 1 room for hostages and SCPs having SCP-457 fuck all of LCZ when he breached.
  5. Major +support I trained blue when he first joined the server and I have watched him grow. I can 100% say that he is fit for an A1 officer position. He works hella hard and is super fun to work with
  6. https://sites.google.com/d/1l4dEewDawxMDQMegnEd9qF4aXN_0uFtK/p/1QCOhxXwUIBDy2bje2J9g8o4zhmcHThnO/edit Feel free to roam the website as usual
  7. +support Can venatoris already spawn medkit charges tho? Cuz it wouldn’t make sense to have it only spawn armor
  8. -support After reading the responses I don’t think you are fit for A1 HCMD On top of this I think there are better choices for this position
  9. +support Would be an absolutey amazing choice for a LTCOL+ spot He has experience, is super fun to work with and has a great personality. Would do great as an A1 officer
  10. -support Was removed from CI for breaking SOP and Minging/Toxcicity… As a MAJ… No offense but I don’t see you as someone fit for A1
  11. 1.Name: Buck 2. Current and former RP ranks: Current: E11 1LT, Head Ranger, D4 Neophyte. CI RnD JA Previous ranks: E11 1LT, Head Ranger, D4 Vanguard, CI EOI V4 RFA Agent EX3 D5 CPT, G9 Deputy Head Medical Doctor, Deputy Head Fieldwork 3. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:570251076 4. DiscordID: Buck#6783 5. Why do you want to be an Officer?: I want to be an officer because I want to help a new branch grow. When D5 was added to the server it was popular for about a week then died. when I joined I was one of 3 people who actively played on D5 after its "death" (Shoutout Kevlar and Shadows). I grinded a lot to help get the branch to a state that it could be enjoyed and played. I enjoyed nearly every second of working on D5. Additionally Alpha-1 is one of the most badass groups in the entire SCP lore. I would love to RP as one of the officers leading them. On top of this I feel like I could bring a lot to the table in terms of leading lower enlisted and providing valuable ideas when it comes to making projects. Lastly I enjoy leading and helping people. I feel that being an officer would offer more opportunities for me to help others. 6. What makes you competent enough to be an Officer?: I am competent enough to be an officer because I have lots of experience. I have been on the server for roughly 2 years now and have 14 weeks on the server. I have had lots of experience being command and working with SF. As stated previously I was Deputy Head of G9, EOI, D4 x2 and RFA. I have been around many branches and experienced all kinds of RP. During my time as Deputy Head of G9 I learned a lot about how to interact with other SF and other branches as a whole. I am no stranger to working with HCMD and Site Admin on larger projects for my sub branches. Not only have I led a SF but I currently lead one of the branches within the Foundation Agency, that of course being E11 Rangers. I have "revived" rangers twice now whilst being the Head. as of right now Rangers is (probably) the most active MTF sub branch. I have also run RP sub branches at one point being the Deputy Head of Medical Fieldwork. I believe I have enough experience alone in leading sub branches that I am competent for a command position However I also have true command experience. I have been command in 3 branches within this server that of which being, E11 (1LT), Medical (Doctor) and D5 (CPT). I have also been command on ImperialRP being a MC 1LT and leading RSQ. In total I have roughly a years worth of command experience. 7. How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches?: I will maintain strong relationships with other branches by incorporating the possibility of working with them into standard RP scenarios. similar to how the Foundation Agencies work I hope that we can actively work with other branches as often as possible whilst still having unique abilities of A1. I believe that branch relations are formed via interactions within RP rather then being semi forced in a scenario such as a PT. whilst PTs can be fun I feel like they dont actually "Improve" branch relations. I will also maintain strong communication with other branches by making sure their HCMD are ok with changes that I would consider for a sub branch. after all certain policies will effect other branches a lot as it can take away some RP if not implimented correctly. I would also say that I am friendly with the majority of branches and I am willing to listen to any concerns that they have on the branch or the people within the branch.
  12. +support ban logs don’t even show anything
  13. I think weeb said a lot of similar things to what I was thinking. Additionally a lot of the things I read in this application were hard to understand and I don’t really agree with. Granted you have experience I am concerned as to why you have been in that position for that long. Overall -support
  14. -support A lot of the issues found here are self inflicted. You talk about how you can’t send people out on patrols. Why can’t you? You claim its because D-Class overwhelm you, yet you say D class is Dying? Additionally D block is VERY one sided and makes it almost impossible to riot. You have layers upon layers barriers and angles compared to d class. You have classes that have more Hp/Ap then an MTF class. GENSEC dying is not a server issue but more of a command issue. If people aren’t leading enlisted on patrols that’s your fault. As you have said MTF sit outside D block, you have the forces to keep D class in check so send them on patrols. On top of this you spawn in D block, if you are letting D class spawn kill you holy shit that’s a massive skill issue. You also have things like partial lockdown that are rarely ever used. You have the materials to control D block yet you don’t use them. Use what your given and if that doesn’t work then make suggestions like this. Don’t make D block anymore harder to escape. You rely on D class for your activity. Don’t kill their activity by making it even more one sided
  15. https://sites.google.com/d/1l4dEewDawxMDQMegnEd9qF4aXN_0uFtK/p/1spXj1TUGH3nW5ors9xeXRJCwF0bO-0dV/edit EOI Grade, feel free to read anything else on the site
  16. +support Good additions. Would help D class when dealing with an unfair D-Block
  17. +support also being able to collapse some of the groups could be nice. Because personally I don’t care how many research are online when I’m checking the status of MTF to see if E11 can enter site
  18. +support I’ve helped with like 5 tests and never gotten an RP point once
  19. I understand the reasoning behind this suggestion but I feel like Dr Bright is already a huge part of the SCP lore and almost everyone has heard of him. it would feel foreign to have a foundation without Dr bright. I also feel like people don’t know a lot about Shawn. I feel like a better replacement would be someone like Dr. Daniels (creator of Scramble goggles) as lots of people know the 096 breach story. He also matches the sense of Dr bright as an irresponsible scientist who does dangerous things in the pursuit of “science” and will do whatever it takes to get. Test approved
  20. I mean there could also be a return timer like you can only return something within 3 days of its purchase
  21. Suggestion: sometimes you buy things that you don’t want any longer for example if you buy a weapon that you don’t like. Having the ability to “refund/return” that item and get the credits back in your account. *Not the money used to by the credits* but the credits themself. I can understand how you need to make money and donations for credits is a great way to do that but I feel like you should be able to just return an item because either way you keep the money. For example I purchased a trench knife on SCP-RP for 5 credits if I wanted to I could return it and get those 5 credits back on my account. Same would work with donation ranks. I bought gold on police RP but no longer play on police RP. I could return the package, lose the donation rank but receive the credits I spent. Obviously some donations wouldn’t be refundable like CCs or temporary ranks. But I feel like this would be a QOL thing
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