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Everything posted by Deaky

  1. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Vice Marshall Deaky 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Imperial Starfighter Corps 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I’ve been in SF for an insane amount of time, and I’ve learned a lot from my superiors such as Senior Marshall PTOB and Marshall Sully. Not only did I work well with PTOB, he became the first ever Senior Marshall in the server’s history. I definitely feel I could follow up in his footsteps and make SF more exquisite and honorable. With Vice Marshall Soph not wanting the position of Marshall, A huge issue is Our Command Team. Neither of us are able to promote above the rank of Group Captain. I want to improve The Battalion by making it better than it Is currently. Another reason I would like to become the Marshall is to open up new chances for members of SF to become command and help the battalion grow and reach new accomplishments, with doing that we could have a complete command team. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 9 weeks in game. joined SF 11/03/20 started playing on the server August 2020 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? With becoming a commander you are the true leader of a battalion, you are expected to keep the battalion active, which I believe I am doing decent with activity. They also need to keep up with stuff outside of Gmod, such as the roster, taking care of problems within the discord and updating documents to ensure everything stays up to date and everything runs smooth. Being active is a big part of becoming Commander, you should try to stay as active as you can to ensure you keep a healthy relationship with your battalion. You should be promoting people if you see them doing a good job / being active, you should be able to spot those kinds of people that are willing to do a lot for the battalion and promote them. With becoming a commander you should also have good relations with the rest of the command team, it's easy to run a battalion when you stay in contact with the other command members. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : While I maintain good communication with Navy High Command, Aviation Officers and former command members, I also constantly talk to my NCOs and officers asking for constructive criticism on how we can improve the battalion and what I can improve on myself personally. The main reason you should trust me to become a commander is because of the accomplishments that SF has made and to keep those accomplishments going we need a commander. I want to strive and continue to make SF a better and welcoming battalion, I've been trying my hardest to make sure everyone in the battalion is respectful to not only other SF but different regiments. I plan on continuing to think of idea's and different things we can do to make SF more fun and exciting for players. 7. How often can you be Online? : Every day for 5+ hours https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/971283049?servers[4604844]=3M I try my hardest with activity, I believe I'm pretty active - as you can see on my battle metrics other than a few months ago when I went on a few LOA's due to some personal problems. ( I've also been on a ROA this week.) 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 1 for FailRP https://gyazo.com/fcb3132e4acde31288f5a8bfdcaffd74 The warn is not active. Thank you for taking your time to read over my application.
  2. - Support like what Don Jon said, you can get a little intense, I've never seen you in game not sounding pissed off, 3 times now I've heard you call my SF "retarded" or just completely degrading them, not just that but you constantly overstep your boundaries and you order other battalions around, not at all what a NCO should be doing. I don't see you as an officer in any battalion, you constantly break the officer SOP and a huge thing about it is disrespecting other battalions, which you constantly do. Good luck - Vice Marshall Deaky
  3. Accepted! Speak to GC+ for training.
  4. DENIED Feel free to apply in 1 week.
  5. Accepted ! speak to GC+ for training
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