In-Game Name : Austinnn
SteamID (If not available put N/A) : STEAM_0:0:146539476
Rank You are Applying For : LT
Current Rank : SPARA
How long have you been in your current rank? : 1 Week
How long have you been in EMS? : Since 10/31/20
What timezone are you in? : EST
How many Warns do you have? (Show Proof) : 0 (
Why should you be promoted (150 words minimum) : Hey! The reason why I want to get promoted to LT is because I'm active on EMS, I'm staff on PRP (Senior Moderator) so I know the rules and am professional and mature, I'm well known in the community in my opinion, I feel like I can help EMS grow and become a even better department, I have pretty good leader ship skills, In FiveM servers I hit pretty good command ranks, at all times I will try to be professional even while on crim, I love role play and think I'm pretty good at role play (I also have a lot of serious FiveM server experience role play, I was EMS in one server and was pretty good.), In other departments I'm pretty high ranks (PD MSGT, SPRT, SGT, STATE SGT, FBI SAIC.) I'm very active on teamspeak and discord so whenever so when anyone has a problem and they go to low command I can respond in less then 10 minutes most of the time, I respect everyone in the department (Higher ups, Lower ranks, everyone) Including people who are not even in the department and are just crim and other departments, I believe I can make EMS look good even while on other departments and crim, I like everyone in EMS as well which makes me want to become low command even more in EMS, Altogether EMS is a great department and I think I can help it grow and become a better one, Thank you so much for reading and taking your time out of your day to look this over see ya guys later! (269 Words, 1,384 Characters)
Do you agree that Command can remove you, or punish you any way they see fit for any negative actions? : Yes
Do you agree that you will attempt to stay active and help in any way? : Yes
Do you agree to be professional and mature? : Yes