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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Pills

  1. You can't get in or on FMS. You can get on the bars on the side but not the "pocket" and front of the FMS. Example: https://streamable.com/fo7piz
  2. +support what even is there to say but yes
  3. Changing to a -Support -Was on surface -App is just to the word limit -Feel like you need more time due what Jack S posted
  4. Name:Pills Rank:MM Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:526542188 How would you rate your activity (1-10):11 Notes:Peter smelly (<3)
  5. -Support OP Made me sad waves of goodbye Did nice work in medical
  6. Pills

    A broken Cog

    Damn -Support to OP made me sad waves of goodbye
  7. I use it a lot on sleuth so I have mixed opinions on this +Support -Slueths/Maynard use radio a lot -Nobody else uses -tbh just add something for sleuths and maynard Edit: Bread thats exactly what I'm saying thats really all we need
  8. +Support -Is good at combat -Active -I think he is good for MMF is Nu7 Field Expert so trained for combat/maintenance work tehe used funny red so it looks like -support when its no hehe
  9. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QcidDURFQ1a0-z__yjgbT9Av95jyMBxx_7v7QvDRRwM/edit?usp=sharing
  10. +Support -Crosshair Placement is good -Ability to identify enemy and ally -Knows how to right click when these above happen -not a minge... -Leader -Lots of time in the server
  11. -Support -Event seems way too complicated and then the second event seems too simple like. First event the MTF and Researchers would have to make another genetically engineered 682? I don't remember that being lore and that is so hard too execute. The second event SCP-001 'The Gate Guardian' the SCP would be tested on by researchers then you proceed to say that the SCP would just kill anyone that comes near... Not allowing researchers to test on the SCP. -RP rank is a lie but Lead Researcher (E11 PFC and CI AR as well unless they don't have correct SteamID and name) -I barely know you so I can't say anything about active and knowledge of the SCP world You are actually Junior Maintenance or Journeyman but I think that's Maintenance FTO's fault as there's two people with the same SteamID as you. (Though its the FTO's Fault as you are not Kindred or Grim)
  12. tbh idk who he is either. All I remember is hes in nu7. (I checked in hes only a CPL and this is only branch.) -Support
  13. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bruh this is so sad Alexa play Despacito. Anyways very sad moments
  14. +support -Senior Command in two branches -not minge -active -Cringertech
  15. idk seems kinda gaming breaking to me
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1873DWtWrf_BQ4mlt2pjxijBo7TDWyGIQyYH5KqtKUmc/edit?usp=sharing
  17. wait a minute theres no surface -support
  18. +Support -App seems good -Active and Command -Trustworthy
  19. +/- Support leaning to - +Would help researchers, maintenance, and MTF/Gensec +Would help with breaches on CI raids -Checkpoints broken make this class useless __________________________________ Foundation View^^^^ -CI raids would be hard to be stealthy about -SCPs would be very hard of the zone their CC is in. -Infils, Sarkic, and Really anything else (Besides Foundation) are impossible to get in the facility __________________________________Anything else^^^^^^
  20. -Support -seems as if you came back recently and a lot has changed since you left -app is short af -Youve posted 2 things and that was both here (Terrible activity)
  21. Its in game and the models broken Edit: to the person who quoted me it was broken at the time
  22. bruh it wasn't even his interrogation it was mine >:(. Vindertech can vouch and I was the one that sold him and put a note about what info we got out of him.
  23. -support -no experiences but others told me you minge -voted yes on own poll (Everyone else has said no) -you have 3 fresh warns -Event is bland and you barely even explained the event -also fill out the RP rank part unless you literally are in no branches Edit: RP rank is like researcher, Maintenance Manager, etc I wish you luck on your app.
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