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Everything posted by 0din

  1. Denied At this time, Navy High Command does not deem you fit for this position. You may re-apply in 2 weeks.
  2. +Support It's about damned time it got a buff, it's incredibly underwhelming to use at the moment.
  3. Denied You were just denied, you must wait 2 weeks before re-applying for an admiral position again.
  4. Accepted! Speak with a member of NHC as soon as possible.
  5. Accepted! Speak with a member of NHC as soon as possible.
  6. Accepted! Speak with a member of NHC as soon as possible.
  7. Accepted! Speak with a member of NHC as soon as possible.
  8. 0din

    IF89 NCO Application

    Denied. You literally copied other peoples applications word for word.
  9. Accepted Please speak with a MAJ+ equivalent for your training.
  10. +Support I can verify this was a mishap that occured regarding the steamID lookup.
  11. +Support -He's an extremely competent individual, I know this for a fact as I've known him for a while now -Shows knowledge in basic ULX commands & functions -Has good ideas for events -Seems genuinely passionate about becoming a GM
  12. +Support -Shows knowledge in basic ULX commands -Has good intentions to contribute to the community -Knows a handful of the lore - Best of luck!
  13. It's not an inferno model, it's just the name of it. In-game the model is the white jumpsuit crewmen use in lore.
  14. +Support Giving callouts is about as effective as trying to find a needle in a haystack at the moment, this would be one of the most useful implementations for combat scenarios.
  15. Battalion Name: Naval Job/Class Name: Naval Crewman Model Path: models/crewman/inferno_squad_crewman.mdl Weapon Kit: cross_arms_swep rw_sw_bino_white rw_sw_rk3 rw_sw_scoutblaster Health: 300 Armor: 0 Description (Optional): N/A Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: This is requested to be added so that newly enlisted will not have access to the arrest baton and therefore minimize cases of mass arrests and overall minging. Secondarily the reason this is requested to be implemented is because the enlisted ranks is seeing the addition of 5 new ranks, meaning the progression is more aligned to that of other battalions. Naval enlisted whitelists will be provided at NCO equivalency+. This will give the NCO equivalents more influence and ability to contribute to the regulation of the enlisted. This will also ensure that to get supervisor it'll take hard work & effort.
  16. What do you want to see?: I would like to see the tfa_dt12 be added to the Permanent Pistol case inventory. Why should we add it?: It would provide variety in the current selection of perma-pistols available in the cases & therefore bring more attention to it to those interested in buying said cases. What are the advantages of having this?: Much like the reasoning for the blurrg, it would add incentive for people to buy the permanent pistol cases in the donation store. Because the crates already cost store credits to purchase it wouldn't be a wide-spread pistol and therefore be seen as a commodity, giving incentive for anyone willing to purchase credits on the store to try their luck to get their hands on the pistol. It's also an incredibly good pistol that deals around ~75-80 DMG compared to the other ones that are available, but the slow fire rate & overall inaccuracy at a long range makes it balanced and nothing excessive. Who is it mainly for?: The playerbase. Links to any content: tfa_dt12 (Available on the server)
  17. -Support Not at all what happened, what you did was murder a bunch of AFK RG. I wouldn't suggest lying on your ban appeal.
  18. +Support This would honestly be really cool & add more depth to roleplay, for example it would allow IF to go on investigations and whatnot.
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