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Posts posted by Jummy

  1. Grade: 55/100

    Lore: 25/25

    Creativity: 5/25

    Presentation: 10/25

    Writing: 15/25

    Test Quality: 50%-75% Meets expectations

    Notes: Good job at portraying 682 as the edgy fuck it is.

  2. Overall:55/100

    Lore: 15/25

    Creativity: 10/25

    Presentation: 15/25

    Writing: 15/25

    Test Quality: 50%-75% Meets expectations

    Notes: I think the tone for this test is slightly comedic, But if this was meant to be taken 100% seriously then.... Eh?

    Decent (what i'm also assuming is first) test log.

  3. On 3/19/2021 at 6:36 PM, Wheatley the moron said:

    Grade B - 

    Pros Well U ve created new SCP

    Cons There are no SCPs starting with 7000 yet. Also Idea of this SCP is quite borring

    Why is it bad that they're writing an SCP in an SCP series that hasn't been written yet? There's nothing wrong with creating non-official SCP articles on these forums that don't follow the numbering exactly.

    Also please give more constructive criticism than "Well you've created a new SCP" and "this is boring"



  4. On 3/15/2021 at 6:07 PM, Jummy said:

    +/- Support

    Been around for a while


    Only Semi-Active

    2 Strikes

    I take this back, You've improved alot.

    You're still kind of a minge though. But you've improved.


  5. 80/100

    Okay, From a personal standpoint, I don't like this format. From an objective one, This looks like a real log a research field agent would make.

    You've got a decent test idea going.

    The dialogue doesn't feel that stilted and stiff. Still feels a bit weird for a prison convict to use perfect grammar.

    Note: eww eyeball stuff */me uncomfortable*

  6. 5/100

    Not very clever test idea

    You used literal minimum writing in each section. Not that the shortness of it is bad, But seriously put more detail into it man.

    The whole HP talk does make sense out of character but if this is meant to sound like it's in character it doesn't work.

    I think this should've been an activity log. This isn't good enough.

    I commend you for trying. But you can do much better.

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