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Posts posted by Jummy

  1. On 3/16/2021 at 8:45 AM, G4RP1ays said:

    iv been literally asking help for writing the application, found no one so i started writing by myself and i made this mess, contact me tonight on discord, i need help writing a new one 


    that's not how it works, there's no such thing as test applications. you're gonna have to stick with it.


    I had fun making an SCP for the first time, Also had fun getting meta.

    Yeah that's basically it. And for anyone who didn't get it, It's gaminglight as a whole.


    Containment Class: Keter

    Disruption Class: Amidia

    Risk Class: Caution

    Special Containment Procedures:

    As of now SCP-23032-JUM is hosted at Site-50, Personnel are discouraged from interacting with SCP-23032-JUM at any time, Due to the possibility of a data breach. No personnel are to attempt to remove SCP-23032-JUM from Site-50, As to not risk more danger coming to foundation sites.


    SCP-23032-JUM is a variety of effects that take place in Site-50, These various anomalous effects collide with each other in various ways. Resulting in 1 entity known as "The server" amongst foundation staff.

    SCP-23032-1-JUM manifests if a subject wishes to communicate via SCP-23032-JUM, They will act as if they are a completely different person. Saying that they aren't "In-Character" Such examples of this can be found in Log# 23032-1-JUM.

    SCP-23032-2-JUM is an effect that takes place whenever a subject breaks several "Rules" set by SCP-23032-JUM. Whenever subjects break these "Rules" an SCP-23032-2-JUM will manifest and confront the subject, Depending on the amount of rules broken and/or the severity of the crime, SCP-23032-2-JUM will punish the person. SCP-23032-2-JUM has a punishment system for various rules. And when the "Crime" is severe enough the subject may be put into a pocket dimension for extended periods of time. Alternatively, Subjects might get a "Warn" and be let off with nothing more.

    For examples of these rules please refer to Log# 23032-2-JUM for details.

    SCP-23032-3-JUM are a "Sub-Division" of SCP-23032-2-JUM, That create various "Events" for foundation staff to take part in, Various examples of events can be found in Log# 23032-3-JUM.

    SCP-23032-4-JUM manifests in the website https://gaminglight.com/. And appears to be a community of gamers whom play the 2004 game "Garry's Mod". These forums are to be monitored and taken down by MTF Unit Kappa-10 for safety of foundation staff. SCP-23032-4-JUM has various classified material on the website, Such as resignation papers, Foundation Documents, And even chaos insurgency files. 

    SCP-23032-5-JUM is a chat server hosted on the "Discord" application, This application seems to work with SCP-23032-4-JUM in keeping track of various classified pieces of data, SCP-23032-5-JUM is to be studied and monitored by MTF Unit Kappa-10.


    LOG #23032-1-JUM

    This conversation between 2 individuals was recorded during a Chaos Insurgency raid.

    Jummy: ci can you not

    Fiery: no

    Jummy: we just gotta sit in bunks all day then?

    Fiery: yes.

    Jummy: jeez man.


    LOG #23032-2-JUM


    LOG #23032-3-JUM


    Janitor Al: garfield funny

    Mitchell: W H Y














    Hey, You actually found this document? Fucking hell Alto, I know it's you reading this.

    As you've most likely figured out by now, We've hid some information from you at this point, But who cares this site will get destroyed like all the others. Right?

    This isn't just in our site, There are at least 3 different places in which SCP-23032-JUM is in. Rockford PD, I think. Uhh, I'm forgetting something. Who cares.

    But these aren't here just for nothing, We did try to find out, But if you don't wanna know, You still have a chance, Just go to medical bay for amnestics. Okay?


    Fine, We looked into it. All of this is here for a reason, The reason we get terrorized with these "Rules" the reason we have these "Event Team" fuck with us. The reason we can talk to Chaos Insurgency freely.

    Y'know, You've read that shitty lie that we're all in a writer's community? Well we weren't...Exactly wrong.

    We're not in control, We're not consciously doing this. Hell, We didn't even think it didn't affect all of us, Cause that's what it wants, It creates conflicts for us to go through. It creates these rules. It does this shit. 

    Because it's a fucking Garry's Mod Server. And he's playing with us


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