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Posts posted by Jummy


    In Game Name: Jummy

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:199425262

    Squadron you are Applying for: Analyst

    Current RP Ranks Held: KCM, RA.

    If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: I assume this answer is aimed towards Guardians, but just incase: Skela.

    If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: 


    How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) 2

    Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: Well, I've been a researcher for a while now. I'm command in both Foundation Research + R&D, and I've been doing pretty okay (I think) and I am dedicated to the art of studying anomalies. I think RRH Analyst will help expand my horizons for testing, after all I do write a good chunk of test logs. I like finding various fun and useful uses for various Scips.

    Basically: I'm active, I like testing, and I'm dedicated to research.

    Why should we accept you: I believe I've been a good model for most enlisted, I'm active on both branches I'm in, both being research related, and I'm command in both of them aswell. I host a good chunk of research oriented things (Mass tests, onsites, ETC.) and I clearly know what I'm doing. I do a decent amount of test logs on both sides (Moreso on research) and I think they're pretty ok. Now I wont deny I have made mistakes in the past, but I've shown that I can and WILL improve from these mistakes, if I do badly fuck up on Analyst, then I'm not gonna make a big fuss and complain. Strike me down if you must.image.thumb.png.d186ac73fe6ab86e59e6e5cb68d0eff0.png

  2. Grade: 85/100

    Lore: 25/25

    Creativity: 25/25

    Presentation: 20/25

    Writing: 15/25

    Test quality: 75%-100%-Exceeds expectations.

    Extra Notes: I thought the note part was pretty good, there was a bit of a problem with redactions in the beginning, but that's also a problem with the main article so I'll cut some slack.

  3. On 4/21/2021 at 2:46 PM, OWNED said:


    The amount of minges that get on that job is insane, and allowing them to "get back to what they were doing" quicker is awful

    I'm sorry, but this can only really cause more harm than good.


  4. -Support

    Sarkic having pickaxes doesn't exactly solve the problem of Sarkic activity, if people are just there to mine, then the whole point of Sarkic is ruined.

    And if D-Class escape and want to mine, then Sarkic will just kidnap them with little to no effort.

  5. 10 hours ago, Rats said:

    stop the donkey kong hate

    this was cool tho i liked it, flowed nicely and it was easy to understand what was going on but still immerse yourself in the world

    I mostly got the joke of donkey kong hate from the Scott The Woz video on mario party. thanks for takin' a look at it tho.

  6. -Support

    I know I'm in CI so you think I'd be biast, no. I don't want an invincible cat that just leaks more information, we already have enough spies, off the top of my head Maynard, Slueths, Infils, ETC. If you add an INVINCIBLE one, that spawns IN THE FOUNDATION, THEN THERE IS NO POINT TO THE OTHERS.

    If you wanted to make it really high donator rank/high level than sure, I guess. But we don't need another safe class scip, make it euclid or something. Make it breach to access CI comms in RP. In that situation I kinda start to see it, otherwise just no.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Mav said:


    I don't see why you shouldn't be in Nu7, you have a decent app and experience on the server as command which is very useful and shows you are dedicated and willing to put time into the server to achieve a higher rank.

    Good Luck!!


  8. 21 hours ago, recon said:


    - One of your reasons why you want HMR is because you spent $140,000 on the Winchester?

    - Removed from HMR once.

    - Generally mingy. This could have changed from the last time I seen you.

    - The only thing you did on HMR was pretend to be and among us character.

    - 2 of your biological test are the exact same. 049-2 & 008.

    + I'm glad that you at least apologized for your mistakes.


    Also stop replying to your own application, unless you have something important to add on.

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