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Posts posted by Jummy

  1. -Support

    You're definitely very active, yeah. But this application doesn't seem to have much effort put into it, a few typos, and it barely makes the word count.

    Another thing is that you can be a bit mingy sometimes, yes we all are every once in a while, but earlier today you were building forts with SCP-194 and you let it into the Evac Shelter.

    Side Note: Link the forums post itself, not the test log document.

  2. Grade: 29/100

    Efficiency: 5/25

    Insight: 2/25

    Presentation: 7/25

    Writing: 15/25

    Additional comment: [Maybe, I dunno, ASK HIS BRANCH NEXT TIME.]

    Overall: [D+]

    Test quality: 25%-50%: Approaching Expectations

  3. You make a fair point,

    however I challenge that the D-Class Supplier can be equally as effective if you use it right.

    Since most Non-Donator D-Class don't have guns and other weapons, if you simply put an (albeit expensive) shipment in spawn, then you can help make an opening for various other D-Class and CC's to reign havoc.

    If you're only concerned about yourself: D-Class Brute of course.

    If you want to help the entirety of D-Block: D-Class Supplier all the way.

  4. Grade: 50/100

    Lore: 15/25

    Creativity: 10/25

    Presentation: 10/25

    Writing: 15/25

    Test quality: 50%-75%: Meets expectations.

    Extra Notes: Alot of people have done 049/008 tests,  but it's actually a bit rare in R&D so I'll give some slack.

  5. Grade: 55/100

    Efficiency: 20/25

    Insight: 20/25

    Presentation: 10/25

    Writing: 5/25

    Additional comment: Most of this was pretty good, It felt a bit rushed however, atleast in the writing department. There are a lot of typos in this aswell, try and include more commas at certain points to split up your sentences, apostrophes matter alot aswell.

    Overall: [B-] Test quality: 50%-75%=Meets Expectations

  6. 4 hours ago, DemiTheDuck said:


    -Really Friendly


    -Professional when needed

    -Only has 1 warn

    -3 of His test logs are good with 1 of them (Scp-3008) I really like

    -A Lead Researcher

    -I see a good amount of activity logs from him

    Overall I think He would be a good fit


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