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Posts posted by Jummy

  1. Grade: 60/100

    Efficiency: 15/25


    Insight: 5/25


    Presentation: 25/25


    Writing: 15/25


    Additional comment: The formatting makes this hard to grade, Not really telling much about what happened, So I didn't get much insight.


    Overall: [B]
    50%-75%, Meets Expectations


  2. 80/100

    Good Test idea (However with lore inconsistencies that I'll touch on later)

    Nice long interview (Disregarding the whole 106 talking shit)

    Like the format

    Depending on how you want this test to feel I have some issues with the lore consistencies,

    I'm assuming you want it to feel in-lore however there are various things such as:
    They realistically wouldn't be called tales in the foundation

    Calling 106 "The main character"

    And 106 talking, However I will cut slack for that on the account of it being an interview

    Overall pretty good but some phrasing issues and such make this a bit worse

  3. 70/100

    I always like seeing event SCP Logs.

    Good pictures.

    Tiny bit short but that's not a bad thing.

    I noticed your hypothesis said that "SCP-049 would suspect the subject of pestilence and terminate it" which is, Well not very Secure Contain Protect of you.

    Overall, Not anything remarkable but still very good work.

    Note: 049 simpin' tho

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