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Posts posted by Jummy

  1. 14 hours ago, Blood Stream said:

    I was never suggesting he is able to get a gun... simply being able to enter the armory... to STOP d-class did either of you even read what I suggested? Besides even though it isn't a rule, I doubt anything has stopped minges from going in there and getting a gun anyways. He only has a level 1 keycard for a reason. He would only be allowed in the armory if he catches someone unfriendly enter.

    I have a strong feeling that 912 players would ONLY use this to camp D-Class, so even if he could NOT get guns whilst in armory, still wouldn't like it.

    Keeping my -Support.

  2. -Support

    SCP-912 isn't allowed to kill individuals, only cuff those who aren't MTF/GENSEC that have guns.

    Letting it do this is just pointless, and it makes an already slightly annoying SCP into a nightmare if the player is dedicated enough.

    500 health with 200 something armour + gun = not balanced.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, The Apple said:

    My side of the story.

    A : You were shooting gensec and other people as SCP 999 and rdming them. When confronted in the sit you said "Show me the rule" once I said I would you moved on to the next subject and said "if I can't use it then why have it?" Once I told you it was against the rules you said you did not care { I have a clip but unforunatly MY mic didn't get recorded }  You then asked for evidence and once I offered it proceeded to spam "Hey Apple" over the mic until you were muted and started spamming via chat until muted. After that once I warned you you proceeded to switch jobs and shoot someone before being banned while the sit was still occuring


    Voice Clip for NITRP


    Evidence for other offences



    yeah, no. scp-999 wouldn't have a gun in lore, and if you bought a donor gun just don't fucking use it as 999.


  4. Well, it's been a fun 6 months.

    So, I'm retiring as CI Research & Development Low Command.

    Some of this may be relieved about this, if that's the case fuck you your opinion is valid.

    I will however most likely come back in the future, since I have some obsessive disorder with this server or some shit.

    But first: I'd like to give a shoutout to some people who've been pretty cool throughout my time as Delta.

    High Command:

    Coltable: Congrats on SMT, you were a great general!

    Neo: I'm surprised you didn't blacklist me for calling you dad so many times.

    Enuz: I'm still scared of you after the time you yelled at me for being mingy on Maynard.

    Vindertech: V face lookin' ass minge earned his fucking throne.

    Apple: Hey, hey Apple. He- hey apple! Hey- *gets shot*

    Senior Command:

    Protege: Minge.

    Atlas: An inspiration to all R&D, also really smells.

    Fiery: Dude, you were like a brother to me, sorry I have to go.

    Low Command:

    Yohan: Aren't you like British or something?

    Rats: Knew you since enlisted, we'll still chat in Research.

    Bagel: "Fucking stupid name" Said I: the guy who had the last name Bagel.

    J3fff: Minge, but Canadian.

    Sullivan: Who?

    Ender: Huh?

    Lew: Ok I just don't talk alot with AINs, but yall are doin' your job good 🙂

    Loki: Fucking SPEEDRAN Delta, I feel like a proud father.

    Zachary: Minge 3: I am getting lazy with these descriptions.

    Gordan: Don't really know you, but good job on Delta.

    Junior Command:

    Good luck, you magnificent bastards.

    And enlisted, I'm proud of yall for making R&D one of the most fun experiences of my life.

    I'll miss you all.

    Comet signing out.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. How to Use & Abuse: Flashlight

    A guide on using your shitty weapons to your advantage

    Item Name: weapon_doom3_flashlight

    Base Damage: 40

    Description: This weapon is given primarily to R&D personnel, it is a melee weapon with decent range, amazing hit detection, and a decent bit of damage.

    When holding, the flashlight effect one would usually get by pressing "F" is now permanent until you unequip the flashlight, once you do it goes back to how it works normally.

    The flashlight's fire-rate is about 1 hit per-second, the flashlight smacks the opponent once, before being able to be used again.

    How to Use: The flashlight is only usable in close-quarters combat, however I would not use it in this scenario. The flashlight works better as a distraction tool rather than something to intend to murder someone with.

    "But Jummy, why shouldn't I buy a shotgun instead?"

    Well I'm happy to explain.

    How to Abuse: This weapon's coding is busted, since it's not a TFA weapon, I believe it works very differently than most weapons.

    When hitting a player, the flashlight will not account for:

    - Being picked up with a gravity gun

    - Being blocked with a Riot Shield <- This one's important.

    - Being cuffed

    Now most of these don't really have uses, outside of minging of course. However one comes into practice alot more than you may think.

    Riot shields are the bane of many existences, they feel unfair, they are for BIG BOY DONATORS, and they will just be really annoying to deal with.


    So this flashlight can be used to make their lives a living hell, they don't have a shield, they're just holding out their keys at this point.

    End Note: Hi, I made this cause I wanted to make a guide on how to dick around with a weapon.

    Don't like, hit staff during sits with this, that's all.

    Probably not gonna make another one of these, but if I find another broken weapon I will.

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