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Posts posted by Jummy

  1. Test log assigned for grading,

    please wait 1-3 days for final score.

    50/100: EUCLID.

    It looks good and it's well written.

    Pretty good test idea.

    The background research seems to be plagiarized directly from the original SCP-012 article, now this makes sense in lore but you didn't even bother to change the font to match. It looks and feels off.

  2. 100/100: APOLLYON

    Nice formatting.

    No spelling errors as far as I can see.

    Sensible test, instead of "Hey, what if SCP-610 and SCP-049 were in the same room together."

    Very good writing.

    My only real problem is that I kind of wish you looked at an anomalous plant for one of them, it's still amazing without it.

  3. 19 hours ago, recon said:


    - Only a JR

    - Only 2 test logs, both are of not very high quality.

    - Your reason for why you should be accepted is very redundant and rushed it seems.

    - Overall I just think you need more time on the server

    -Gonna also add that you just didn't really answer the "If applying for RRH" question, which is what you are doing right now.

    -If you're joining RRH: yeah there's a roleplay aspect, like all other classes. BUT: RRH is a big responsibility, you are literally working with the leaders of the entire foundation, you kinda need more of a reason.

    My advice:  Wait a few more months, get well known in the community, get higher ranks, THEN if you want to, apply for RRH.

  4. 8 hours ago, NeoID said:

    Meh. 9 Warns can be expected when you’ve been part of the Community since 2016. The Military one towards the bottom technically doesn’t even have an accurate date




    Of all the current options, you’re one of the best for the slot! I wish the best for you!


  5. 43 minutes ago, The Apple said:


    People are trusted with maynard should know when it’s appropriate to mass breach and what they should do, if you see a maynard constantly breaching shit and causing trouble and not acting like a god damned spy please grab their steamid and name and send it to a mil or r&d gamma so we can deal with it

    2 hours ago, Ze Blightcaller said:

    I have seen Maynard players literally risk their cover and not think about the risks. This change would be befitting Maynard players to think about their actions before committing and the foundation wouldn't have a blackout of the lights every 5 mins. 

    It literally says in the MOTD that you can't do stupid stuff with no reason, all maynards are trained to obey this. If they constantly do bullshit like turning off lights: it's probably cause military said so, if he's doing stupid stuff for no reason: CI Military will know, the maynard will most likely be punished.
    SO: -Support


  6. 4 hours ago, Rats said:

    +/- Support (leaning more + support)

    Atlas is a great guy

    Responsible and also great command

    Not too many test logs linked

    The application itself kind of rambles a bit and doesn't really answer the questions


    My experiences with Atlas have almost only been positive, and I think he is more than fit for the Analyst team, but I think this app was kind of rushed and I'd personally like to see maybe a bit more formatting or grammatical fixes. I still think he deserves the position however.



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