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Posts posted by Jummy

  1. 95/100

    A test that actually makes sense.

    I actually learned some stuff about normal crabs.

    There was 1 typo, Also I'm sure there's a more scientific term for "Mouth Parts"

    This test log left me wanting more, So good job.


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  2. 40/100

    Interesting idea but ultimately too short.

    Not sticking to the normal format isn't bad, It can be quite good sometimes. But in this case there's really no time to process any of this, It's just the test without anything else. I get that the test is the most interesting part but the buildup matters.

    Everything else was fine though.

  3. 60/100

    I think the idea is fine, But I don't think it was fleshed out enough.

    Background research in a standard test log like this needs more detail.

    There were some weird spacing between letters at some points.

    It's pretty short.

    Everything else is fine.

  4. 100/100

    I don't feel confident enough to say this is perfect, But in my opinion, It is perfect.

    Some people might not like over describing things, But it helps build the worlds so that's good.

    A test idea that's A: Interesting and B: Actually useful is always great!

    You changed the format just enough to still tell enough information, But also to make more sense.

    Keep up the good work!


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  5. SCP-006-J

    Object Class KETER OH GOD KILL IT

    Special Containment Procedures: 

    SCP-006-J is to be left alone because it's fucking horrifying, Why would you want to go near it in the first place? 

    Personnel are to contact  Mobile Task Force Alpha 21 "Husbands" in order to dispose of the instance of SCP-006-J in a eco friendly manner.

    MTF Alpha 21 is to be equipped with twelve glass cups and 20 slips of paper at all times. 

    Examination of any instance of SCP-006-J must be handled carefully and- OH GOD IT'S ON ME KILL IT OH SHIT.


    SCP-006-J is a collection of insectoids that researchers everyone agrees are yucky. We think it's memetic but we can't get close enough to see. 


    Okay here's the thing we didn't discover this in a mystic cave or some shit it just appeared in my house one day. I swear it said "I'm gonna fucking boil your skin and eat it" 

    Addendum 006-J: 

    Listen, It isn't that big If we just put it in a jar it'll be fine - Dr.000000

    Dr.000000  has been promoted to site director. O5-0 .


    SCP-006-J Pictured in the wild. Pretty fucking scary right?

  6. 10/100

    Idea isn't the best. 

    The description is bare bones to say the least. I mean it's under 50 words, I didn't have to count either.

    The hypothesis should just be "No, You can't kick and cuddle it"

    I'm not impressed, If you wanna make test logs just put more time into them. Overall pretty bad. 😞

  7. Name: Jummy Bagels

    Current Rank: Lead Researcher

    Time in Research (Approximate): 2-3 Months?

    Why should you be research command?: I like to think that most if not all of command is well suited for their job, But I also think that higher ups can be kind of intimidating, Y'know, Like real life. I think that someone who is A bit more relaxed but still makes sure people are following the rules could be a bit less daunting to talk to sometimes. I have pretty good activity all things considered, I play for at least an hour a day so yeah. I've gotten into some of the research sub-branches (RIG and HMR) so that's probably something. My test logs are okay.... I think. But If I became command I would have to tackle some problems with the research branch, One of which is minging. What minging is defined as is kind of questionable in research since you can literally just cook d-class with SCP-457, But I think that the more rule breaking JR/ARs there are the worse the branch gets, (Reputation wise) Whenever I see bunk doors not  closed or someone just killing d-class A little piece of me dies. I want research to be the best it can be! I also want everyone to consider SCPs that you may not test on very often, Such as Mr Fish, Dr Bright, Surgeon crabs, ETC. Because even though these SCPs aren't tested as much I think you can still make interesting logs out of all of them. Mass testing is a must for this because who else really goes to SCP 1048-A normally? I want researchers to see new opportunities in these SCPs.  And one last thing, I want researchers to feel comfortable, When I was a little researcher I was worried about how my tests would do, I still am, But I think that telling them to go for gold isn't the best idea, I'd just tell them to do what works, And then to try and improve that, If it isn't working then try something else.

    What will you do to make research more active and better?: I want more researchers online, I can't fix the fact that you need escorts for D-Class,  And the fact that GENSEC might not have enough people to escort you, But I still think that we need to do more tests. I haven't done a mass test yet (The first one might not be the best) but that is the best solution we have to multiple problems. Second as stated above I want minging to...not breath, Full appropriate behavior can't be achieved but I want more people to listen to the rules. It is an RP server after all so if we can't RP reasonably then there's a problem. I will (At least try) to grade most tests, I can't guarantee that yours will be graded but I think that showing how other research are doing leads them to try to achieve more. I would also encourage applying for RIG and HMR, Because we all know we need more of those. 

  8. 21 minutes ago, pixalgamer99 said:


    -tests don’t have too do with biohazards just can you vape 008 and does 049 know how too play chess

    -semi short app (long compared too some that were accepted though) but that doesn’t change anything as 1 sentence apps get accepted

    - just ran into D block as 939-02 and killed me and kinda killed a lot of people who were crouch walking or standing still as 939 so MRDM seems a little worrying since it happened not even 2 hours ago

    Okay sorry about the 939 thing I thought if they shot me I could kill them. 

  9. Your Full Name & Rank?: Jummy Bagels, Lead Researcher

    Why have you chosen to pursue specializing in studying biologically hazardous materials?: Covid-19 has showed us that viruses suck, The fact that the plague didn't kill us is a fluke, Now we gotta make sure to keep the public healthy from viruses.  I also think that being able to get up close to these SCPs will let me experience whole new tests, Like seeing if zombies could do basic exercizes, Trying to replicate the 049 zombies, And much more. If I am not able to get hands on with these things so much possibilities have been taken away. The gravity gun is another big plus because.... It's just really efficient, Like seriously do you know how infuriating SCP-294 can be sometimes?

    Have you produced any documents pertaining to biologically hazardous SCPs?: Yes, The links are below me



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