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Posts posted by Jummy

  1. 100/100

    Not the biggest fan of this SCP but I have to admit you did do something interesting with it.

    The background research was actual research conducted.

    I would've preferred actual ingame images but fan artwork is nice

    CONGRATS! You're one of the few researchers to give the sources to things!

    I'm proud. Keep on doing good work like this.

  2. 95/100

    You didn't resort to "Haha REDACTED INFORMATION go BRR" 

    Interesting idea for a test

    I actually understood what was happening just from the pictures

    Good artwork, AWCY would be very proud

    You credited the original work and got the licenses which isn't that important to the test but I'm proud.

    Only flaws are that the time should've been easier to read (Just make it look like the one on a PC) and that you mixed your art style and the one from the document. 

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  3. SCP-018

    Object Class: Euclid


    SCP-018 is a "Super ball" made by the Wham-O Company, Measuring 6 inches in diameter, And being coloured red. When the item is thrown, It will bounce with 200% efficiency, Thus gaining speed eternally until something stops the ball. When enough speed is gained SCP-018 is able to fracture bones and break through doors. If it reaches 18 kilometers an hour, SCP-018 is able to kill subjects hit with it and break through concrete walls.

    SCP-018 was originally found when a warehouse was being cleaned by Mr. Clean himself, Holding a variety of Wham-O products. When the object was thrown, SCP-018 bounced several meters in a row without stopping, Smashing several crates and injuring 5 staff. The object stopped moving when SCP-018 landed into the lake of Wentworth Municipal Park

    Containment Procedures:

    SCP-018 is to be chained in a 1 Meter steel safe, Filled with Flex Seal brand glue. No personnel under level 3 may enter SCP-018's Containment Chamber, Testing on SCP-018 is strongly discouraged. 

    Re-Containment Procedures:

    If SCP-018 breaks the safe the room is to be flooded with water in an attempt to slow it down. No personnel are to enter the room while containment specialists arrive.

    Document #018-04: Message to O5-4

    Hey Skela, The only reason I'm writing you is because I believe I've found an effective method for hunting down new or escaped SCP objects. Yes, I know we haven't found out how to reverse this thing's ability to break the laws of thermodynamics. But I've come up with a great idea on how to use those new SCP-A5 armor suits. Okay here's the plan, Put the object on the bottom of a boot, Put in a little machine for good measure, And boom. The suit can now jump over shit like sky scrapers. Also if you want something dead, That ball delivers one helluva kick! I just need to modify one of the SCP-A5 suits, And you'll actually be able to catch up something like those Fleshy dog things, Or anything else. Believe me, It'll be great.

    Document #018-05: Message to Dr. Jummy

    So, We tried your experiment and the results were mixed to say the least. Agent Joe Mama was given your modified armor to help with retrieving SCP-939, And was able to put a collar onto the specimen through a chase in the amazon. However, Due to a malfunction in your "Little machine" he was launched almost a mile into the air and broke both of his legs, Fractured his spine, Somehow lost his arm, And fractured his skull upon him falling into a lake. Fix that now or I'll have your head.

    Pictured: SCP-018 sitting on a desk


    • Gaminglight Love 2
  4. 50/100

    Not the most creative idea, But most cross-tests are like that.

    Pretty sure in-lore they already did this. (Although I only know about it from SCP Illustrated)

    Good writing, I can actually get what's happening.

    I'm not 100% keen on termination tests but these scips are deadly. So go ahead.

    Not a bad start. Hope to see more.

  5. SCP-4999

    Object Class: Keter | Disruption Class: Ekhi | Risk Class: Notice


    SCP-4999 is a humanoid entity of unknown origin, Comprised of unknown composition.

    Every physical appearance varies, However the subject is usually 1.28 to 2.04 meters tall, And it's usually male.

    SCP-4999 manifests when in the presence of a singular human, All subjects the entity manifested to were of poor health, Most likely on their deathbeds. It will not interfere with the subject whilst they are sleeping, Comatose, Or unconscious. It will also not appear when the subject is being observed, Or interacted with by another human.

    When SCP-4999 manifests, It will appear next to the subject, If a chair is available it will sit down and offer the subject a cigarette. If there is no furniture to sit on, It will opt to stand next to the subject. If the subject chooses to take the cigarette, SCP-4999 will place it in the subject's mouth, And smoke a cigarette of it's own. If the subject chooses to deny the cigarette, SCP-4999 will smoke the cigarette himself. The cigarette can still be found in the subjects mouth after death.

    Most individuals that SCP-4999 visits have these traits:

    Lives alone


    Is impoverished/Homeless

    Displays past of mental illness

    Is a military veteran

    Has no criminal record

    Has no living family

    Is unmarried/Lacks a significant other

    Is an outcast

    Does not have any record of significant/Personal accomplishments

    Containment Procedures:

    If SCP-4999 is spotted by any surveillance camera, Or has their picture taken by the public. The proof shall be framed as an edited photo, Or as a piece of media. Depending on the type of image/video. All media SCP-4999 appears in is to be investigated and confiscated, All civilians that have witnessed the event are to be amnesticized.

    Re-Containment Procedures:

    SCP-4999 essentially re-contains itself, When it disappears, It's only trace is a cigarette.

    There is no need for re-containment.


    Some footage has been recorded of SCP-4999 consoling a subject, If you wish to view it click the button below.


    End Log.


    Credit to CadaverCommander for making the OG SCP-4999 article, And credit to you for reading it.

    • Like 1
  6. SCP-500

    Object Class: Safe


    SCP-500 is A red bottle of pills currently containing 47 pills, Designated SCP-500-1. 

    SCP-500-1 are small, Red coloured pills, Which are 1x2 centimeters in size.

    When SCP-500-1 is swallowed, The subject is cured of all diseases and ailments. Depending on the severity of the ailment, It may take 5-120 minutes for the conditions to be cured

    Despite extensive trials, SCP-500-1's ingredients cannot be replicated. 

    Containment Procedures:

    SCP-500 is to be kept in a Type-B locker in Site-10, In most circumstances staff may not use SCP-500 outside of testing.

    Only level 4+ personnel may use SCP-500 without restriction, If level 3 personnel and lower wish to use SCP-500, They must get permission from 2 different command members. With supervision from 1 Safe Class Manager+.

    Depending on certain circumstances, I.E. a command with a fatal disease, Personnel may use 1 SCP-500-1 Freely.

    Re-Containment Procedures:

    Upon a SCP-500-1 being stolen, All personnel are to be questioned by MTF Sigma-66 for possible GOI spies, Whilst SCP-500's locker is to be monitored by Foundation Security for 2 days after the incident, All cameras are to be checked for possible suspects.

    Upon staff being caught stealing SCP-500-1, They are to be amnesticized and Demoted to Class-D Personnel. Any one suspected in helping the aforementioned staff are to be interrogated by Sigma-66 and if found guilty Demoted to Class-D Personnel.

    If any GOI spies are caught, They shall be interrogated by Sigma-66 and depending on the severity of their actions, May either kill or Amnesticize the personnel and use them as Class-D.


    Dr. Gears has requested 1 SCP-500-1 for testing in SCP-914. Test Approved.


    Dr. Jack Bright is no longer allowed contact with SCP-500. Yes, We agree that making A Medi-Gun from Team Fortress 2 in SCP-914 would be extremely useful for medical staff, But we can't lose another 4 pills for this.


    One pill has been used with SCP-231-4, No staff are to talk about what happened on 2007-11-04.


    After the events of Addendum-1, SCP-427 was created, It has been decided that SCP-500 should never be used in contact with SCP-914.


    Upon incident 500-23-4 it has been decided that SCP-500 will be stored in a Type-E locker from now on, Along with constant surveillance and Level 3+ Access requirements.


    SCP-500-1 Pictured 




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