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Posts posted by Jummy

  1. Hey,

    My name's Jummy, if you know my real name, I'm gonna come to your house.

    Uhh interesting facts about me:

    I really only play SCP-RP

    I'm a Command in SCP-RP

    I like things like every other human

    I've delayed this introduction for too long.

  2. 1 hour ago, GLaDOS said:


    Server rules exist for a reason, despite the myth of this "minge hour" as stated above; a broken rule is a broken rule, and that is unacceptable. I do agree, however, that there was no disruption of role-play due to the imminent restart, so I could agree to a verbal warning instead of a formal warning. In either scenario this is down to staff discretion and under the current circumstance of the report, the actions of the individual do go against the servers rules.


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