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Posts posted by Jummy

  1. 12 hours ago, Mary said:


    Staff are not allowed to interact with RP, however ET can but it is mostly for events and shit. I do NOT believe she is currently or ever has been in ET. This kinda throws off basic RP and just ruins it for others.

    She just needs a talking to in my opinion.


  2. +/-Support

    I don't believe perm bans are appealable.

    I think you could be a changed person.

    But %90 percent sure you may not be able to even appeal this.

    After further looking into this, -Support.

  3. 2 hours ago, Shin said:



    Even though I don’t know the guy, he doesn’t have anything bad about him. Though the racism warn/ban is a bit of a turn off. But as I see no further warns or bans were committed, I can tell you have grown from your past mistakes and dedicate yourself to not become a troublemaker in this server.



  4. RP Name: Jummy!
    SteamID (i.e. STEAM_0:1:55975235): STEAM_0:0:199425262
    Discord Tag (i.e. Name#0000):Jummy#5693

    Branch(es) (Maintenance, Medical, Both): Maintenance
    Rank(s) (Include both branches, if applicable): Maintenance Adept (as of writing)
    Subdivisions/Whitelists (FTO, CS, MMF, HLPR, ACM): Containment Specialist, NCS.

  5. -Support

    One of the MAIN RULES states not to be prejudice, this includes saying shit like this.

    You should have known not to replicate that behavior just because someone else got away with it.

    Also the fact that you say this is from "My Friend's POV" makes me suspicious that this was the case.

    • Dislike 1
  6. 23 minutes ago, Chief_ said:

    Please show us a picture of your settings and tell us the models that give you this effect. As some models are known to do this and its due to model not being made correctly. 

    https://medal.tv/clips/57722364/d1337pkN6OCD Here's the settings, as far as I saw so far: most models are affected by this (for me atleast) whenever this occurs to me.

    also sorry if i sound really tired/pissed, basically just woke up

  7. What bug is occurring? Sometimes, when I load in, (this is happening to others too) there are several models T-posing, whilst in mid-air and crouched over.

    Is it tied to a specific job, swep, player model, etc? No.

    Has it only occurred once, or is it continuous? This has happened about 30% of the time when I load into the server.

    Please provide screenshots or a short video of the bug in action: I can't get this glitch to occur naturally, so this may be hard to get footage of, I will update this with the image when I get it.

  8. 40/100: EUCLID

    I like it when people document SCPs, though this should've gone into the SCP directory.

    Writing is a bit...series 1, not like that's a bad thing, but some stuff like "It appears to" sentences and the overall shortness of this kinda leaves me lacking.

    This also leaves a big chunk of SCP-7101-GL's gimmick out, the whole going into the sword thing.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Mitchell Hugh said:

    Appeal seems rushed as there is plenty of spelling error, Lack of support from anyone else, and I also have almost never seen you after your staff restriction, so nobody knows for sure if you've really changed or not.

    Also just to clarify something: The part about "messing with stuff" is most likely referring to a time where oofer kept unfreezing a sun editor placed by an Senior Event Team and began playing around with it, even when told to stop.

    I mean, I like you oofer, but yeah, not right now.

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