1. What is your IGN? (In-Game Name) : Lord IX Jaeger 2. What Regiment are you applying for? The Ninth sister 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to become the Ninth Sister because I want to keep purge and IQ running smoothly, IQ and Purge have had some issues recently and I wish to have a better role in helping with them. I Spent Alot Of Time And Effort Into This Server And I Want To Do Big Things with IQ and Purge. I want to be able to help out with the regiment in terms of activity and teaching new purge/IQ in what to do, and performing more sims to go over different things and strategy's to help win more battles and do lore session to help people gain knowledge and have something to do, and I want to make IQ/Purge have fun time and make sure IQ/Purge has something to do and to increase the amount duel for IQ and give out more rewards. Finally, I want to help people to have a better the RP experience in all of IQ/Purge for entertainment and enjoyment Overall I have been dedicated to this battalion for a little now putting my full time into trainings new people and helping thoughts Enlisted/NCO who need it and will be doing more sims and Lore sessions. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 11-12 weeks 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? My main Job as a Lore IQ would be updating the roster and making sure the Officers/NCO are doing their jobs Officer supervising NCO/Enlisted and NCO supervising the Enlisted and update any SOP/Training doc that needs updating. Also, Lore IQ jobs are to look out for people who have a talent for commanding and making sure they are promoted cordially. Also to makes sure Officer/SNCO are doing constant training when there are no events so people will not get bored and have a good time in Purge/IQ. And To Give out fair punishments to those who break them and to be lenient to thought who didn't know they were breaking a rule, and to make sure everyone is having a great experience making sure no one is having a bad time and Adverting in chat that Apprentice+ can become IQ. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I believe I am trustworthy as I have never been striked in IQ nor any other regiments, I have past command experiences such as being a past ST Vice commander and being a Captain in shock, and being ex Purge Captain. Also, I am well known in the community and would like to people respect me because this I can get situations completed quickly efficiently. Although I just got Major few days go in Purge/IQ I believe that I can be a good command member and help the battalion by doing sims and Lore session for IQ to even further boost are activity. 7. How often can you be Online? : I can be on 5-8 Hours day, when I do not have school. I May not be on Late in the day for EST due to me being in the BST time zone (UK)
8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : Yes 1 (RDM) Not active