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Posts posted by Mary

  1. 1 minute ago, Luxxy said:

    Ah yes more petty reports 10 years after they happen. Glad context here doesnt matter as it hasnt anywhere else. My bad, ill just let kids RDM people loading in 🙂


    Im glad it doesnt matter any of the harassments or targeting. Just when people push you to this point. Have a nice night.

    That doesn't mean you bully the kid to where he's almost in tears, dude...

    What would you have done with YOU where the kid being bullied online by GROWN adults? I don't even know if I can even call you an adult by the way you acted. I have nothing against you but come on now.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, enuz 💣 said:

    Although the server seems amazing right now, I feel like there is a clear problem that is rising and will blow up. If this is not addressed it will blow up later and will become a major issue. With that being said, I do understand Orange's point saying that there is clear bias with Luxxxy going on ROA (in which you cannot be promoted) immediately to LOA (which there is no rule where you cannot be promoted under an LOA), then immediately being promoted. This is probably one of the main reasons I would never join staff nor get on the server because of these issues that I would encounter. Interfering with RP and instigating issues like naming yourself to "Staff Report" to then immediately be promoted the next staff meeting is very unprofessional. Not only does giving certain admins permission to do special events in game represent yourself badly, it also makes other staff members want to do that too. Many staff reports on the forums have popped up for admins modeling and interfering with RP as if they had perms from Rang too. It really is a bad precedent. 

    I'm glad someone fianlly made the report and addressed it.


    • Like 1
  3. This is just...holy shit. 

    I can understand that staff can be stressful but you NEVER disrespect someone else even if they are breaking the rules. This is just immature and just horrible to see from two senior admins.


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  4. +Support 

    Staff are not allowed to interact with RP, however ET can but it is mostly for events and shit. I do NOT believe she is currently or ever has been in ET. This kinda throws off basic RP and just ruins it for others.

    She just needs a talking to in my opinion.

  5. Listen Lucas, there will always be D-Class that will try to kill you as they don't know you are a slueth. Playing as slueth means you are putting your chances at 50/50. I know you said you told those d-class you are a slueth but more are gunna come up that elevator that don't know. You should have EXPECTED them to shoot at you when you were 1. In the back of d block alone without any other slueth 2. Cuffing a d class.


  6. As much as a cool and fun guy you are, these screenshots REALLY damn you here. The shit you said wasn't cool nor will it ever be toleratered in GL. Maybe wait a few more months then try again.


  7. +Support

    I mean, if he comes back to staff and is fully active then he deserves another chance at staff and for the restriction to be lifted. However, if he comes back and gets staff then goes inactive again then a longer restiction can be put into place.

  8. Imma be real with you on this, you acted very immature when I was still in E-11 and just active on the server. You didn't follow orders nor did you really care about being nice to anyone that tried to talk to you. You were also very toxic and just tried to do anything and everything that could annoy someone. Maybe if you come back to the server and just chat around or just try to be active again, people can really see how much you claimed you have changed.

    However, I do believe in seconds chances (though this would be your second or third chance at this point) and maybe you can finally be apart of the community and MTF once again. I would highly suggest coming back even if this gets denied so maybe that you can try one last time and so that people can see you become a better person to be around.

    Overall +Support for now.

    • Like 1
  9. This was kinda coming for a long time now, since I will be 18 in 9 days of making this post. The server is not really fun anymore, I kinda grew out of it and I think it's time for me to move up with my life. I ain't making this super long nor am I mentions a long list of people.

    Goodbye guys!

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