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Everything posted by Zarl

  1. Zarl

    Scooty's ACM App

    Accepted! Speak with HCMD for your whitelist!
  2. Accepted! Speak with HCMD For your whitelist!
  3. Accepted! Speak with HCMD For your whitelist!
  4. Accepted! Speak with HCMD For your training!
  5. Accepted! Speak with HCMD For your training!
  6. Accepted! Speak with HCMD For your whitelist!
  7. Accepted! Speak with HCMD For your whitelist!
  8. Accepted! Speak with HCMD For your whitelist!
  9. Nooo the OG Command Welp, I hope you find the time to look back and maybe visit us, I swear I will try to get better at my command duties for you! And you can count on me always taking care of my HSU Boys
  10. Due to your brief status in medical (16 days), Medical command has decided to wait 1 more week so... Pending!
  11. Accepted! Speak with HCMD for your whitelist!
  12. Accepted! Speak with HCMD for your whitelist!
  13. Zarl

    Doggo ACM App

    Accepted! Speak with HCMD for your whitelist!
  14. Accepted! Speak to HCMD for your whitelist!
  15. Yes. Also please try to keep attitudes professional when on SF and don't try to use your clearance as grounds to why what an SCP says doesn't affect you.
  16. Accepted! Speak with HCMD For your whitelist!
  17. Maybe that holds true, but it seems most people agree that the "additional change" that needs to happen is the change reverting back. Also I'm pretty sure every branch is against this since CI has hostile CCs to deal with and golden golf clubs that 3 tap any SF. CCs just became the meta that are better than everything with the new change and in the words of Coltable himself "not happening CC's will not change", and so if CCs cannot be worked around HP, then HP must be worked around CCs; Thus the rating system I posted makes sense.
  18. + Support The reasoning behind the update was because the Managers believe that health values were getting too large, yet I think it was actually the closest to fair we've had in a while. The way I measured is with a max HP/Armor MTF CC (200 200). Any other measurement was liable to change, however the managers made it clear that the HP of the CCs would not change. For Nu7, the only 3 classes that had more total HP/Armor (EP) than a max CC (excluding 7101), was HSU (SF), Officer (command), and commander. With the new change--- - A max (MTF) CC is stronger than every Nu7 class with the exceptions of Commander (50 more EHP) and 7101. - They claim to have nerfed all weapon's damage by 40%, but it appears to only have affected TFA Base weapons (which excludes Doom weapons, All legends weapons, Knifes received a small nerf but they're still better than they used to be. - They didn't touch SCP Healths, which means they're all a ton harder to kill. - With the new change they decided to make Nu7 far weaker than the other MTF branches, as in our SF branch is, instead of how it used to be (same EHP but with different distributions for HP/Armor) They made HSU weaker than the other 2 SFs. - Nu7's SF Branch is just about worse than CI's Beta class (HSU is an SF handpicked at SGT+, and Beta is a class given to all senior enlisted, oh and HSU is also a 6 slot job.) - The D-Class CCs are now able to solo Command and even SF with their 100/100 state and their golden golf clubs. And all of these are literally only the changes that affect Nu7, I don't even think that's 5% of the problems that this update has caused. Not to mention all of Nu7 command seems to hate the decision, as well as most everyone I've talked to. The only people that might benefit from this is CI since they were hardly affected by the HP/Armor change.
  19. + Support Tbh, this should really already be a formality like MTF adverting AOSes and KOSes, we do those things so that sleuths can see them if they have comms, were not required to by MOTD, but we do anyways as a formality. Doing this would prevent the need for a bug report to be posted for every new job that mtf makes. And before you say it, its not a communication issue if nobody is able to even see the adverts, and all of the keen eyed people that know what to look for are on classes that can't see it because we have class changes so frequently.
  20. Noooo whyyyy I hope to see you on the battlefield soldier! Also I can't help but notice you said you hope I get HCMD, not to ruin the mood, but I happen to have been HCMD for almost a year, in medical. If you meant in Nu7, you can only be HCMD in 1 branch :c
  21. I'll give you a couple days to fix it before it's Denied
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