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Morning Stars
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Everything posted by Zarl

  1. Denied This application has been denied by HCMD, you may Re-apply in 2 weeks (Late reply, was announced at the meeting)
  2. Really has felt like it will never be enough time spent with you, I'll always be looking forward to when you want me to play something with you O7 (Also who said star was a mute)
  3. Accepted! Speak to SCMD for your training!
  4. Accepted! Speak to SCMD for your training!
  5. Accepted! Speak to SCMD for your training!
  6. +Support -autoaim -instagib smh
  7. I expected this from thin, not a CPT (no offense to the good half of Thin) Anyways, I appreciate all you have done for the server as a whole, I promise to keep my tongue on a leash, and I shall never give up on medical.
  8. Accepted! Speak with HCMD for your training!
  9. Accepted! Speak with HCMD for your training!
  10. I would like to clarify that Snipers should remain the same as they are, they seem like their place in the meta fits well, they certainly don't need a buff at the very least.
  11. It was very fun to get to manage Medical with you! I wish you the best in your future plans, and you'll always be welcome back to visit or manage once again! O7
  12. @Jayden This was a change that was never accepted/denied, I asked colt a while ago but I'm not sure if he liked the idea or not, he never responded past asking the price of them, pretty sure it was during a time when a lot was happening so it probably got lost in the confusion
  13. + Support - I Hope you have another AR on ranger because the kriss vector is ass, trust me
  14. +Support I never understood how it makes sense for a gun to shoot sideways...
  15. Less people RDMing on D-Class = more people doing literally anything else
  16. Accepted! Speak to a High Command for your training!
  17. Accepted! Speak to a Senior Command for your training!
  18. Accepted! Speak to a Senior Command for your training!
  19. Accepted! Speak to a Senior Command for your training!
  20. Accepted! Speak to a Senior Command for your training!
  21. Accepted! Speak to a Senior Command for your training!
  22. Accepted! Speak to a Senior Command for your training!
  23. Accepted! Speak to a Senior Command for your training!
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