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Everything posted by Drippy

  1. -Support You're joking right? - 29 warns (You are literally on the edge of a month ban, that's not good ) - Minge. - Haven't seen you act mature once. - There's no poll. - You have a bunch of warns for player diss, so how do we know you're gonna be respectful? - You don't seem to understand the rules very well and have repeat offenses for simple rules. - No prior experience with staffing.
  2. There's absolutely, positively, no need to panic. Ice had the entire situation under control, no need to panic.
  3. I mean there's no context. I could rip a 4 second clip out of a 2 hour long recording of mine, and it will show "mass rdm" but in reality its not rdm whatsoever. Context is a very cool thing and we'd have to know prior to this clip, and after this clip. Why was he being arrested? Was it RDA? Did you tell him to stand up? Was it accidental? Did he apologize or anything of the sort? Is there recording of the sit? Gonna have to go with -Support on this one chief.
  4. Personally I think it should be this way for both Crim & Gov. You just got revived by a medic probably because you got shot. You wouldn't get up and get back into the fight, you would go to the hospital, or seek medical treatment. +/- Support But crims have the chance to run. It's their fault if they do not take that chance and leave the scene. When it is code 4, the medic will start reviving, it's up to you to leave.
  5. Drippy

    Tac RP?

    Moments before disaster
  6. Your in game name: Drippy Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:125117392 The player's in game name: DekotaZ FMC The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:523211272 What did the player do: Reached 30 warns Evidence (required): What do you believe should happen to the player: Receive a ban for 30 warnings Any extra information: N/A
  7. Your in game name: Drippy Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:125117392 The player's in game name: OGHEZZY CMG The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:554599593 What did the player do: said the no no word Evidence (required): https://streamable.com/94l14w What do you believe should happen to the player: up to staff Any extra information: no
  8. Drippy

    Staff and video

    I mean... could always just make it a rule that the video has to be ready beforehand. I know with me, I literally press 2 buttons and I have the video ready, and I know other people can't do that. Other communities have rules like that so time isn't wasted.
  9. Drippy

    Imma Get It

    kinda mean but ight
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