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Scythes of Paradise
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Everything posted by Piemp

  1. sorry but -Support gotta be for careful with the rules as staff
  2. alr alr hear me out MASSIVE +SUPPORT When I first joined the server zerg has always been there to guide me, With his kindness and maturity he has always been a leader in staff. Yes he does smell, Yes He gets bullied for being zerg but over all of that zerg is a true penguin. On the note of him being a leader his maturity in Secret Service is insane, He always goes above the standers to make sure everything is going great. As I am typing this out he is hosting a massive Secret Service meeting! Now I will talk about him in Event team, If you are in event team you have noticed zergs skill and dedication. He has been in a event team for a while now and he just achieved the rank of Co Leader which he def deserved. His creativity has benefited event team a lot and he is one of Event Teams best members. Good luck Zerg you still smell
  3. Wow F bruh hope to see you soon! but fr pretend he said @pimp your the biggest pimp out there
  4. -Support just gonna leave this here https://medal.tv/clips/36788853/d1337AjzzBdk but for real F
  5. DAM bro f you made it far my g
  6. What you want to see? - The ability to keep your level on your trash collector if you get off and on Why should we add it? - I think it should be added cause I spent like around 3 hours grinding city worker to level it up then had to get off and my level reset back to 1 What are the advantages of having this? - People will be able to enjoy the job and grind it to get a higher level trash collector not have it reset every time you relog Who is it mainly for? - the city worker job Links to any content - N/A
  7. +support valk was blacklisted and this should not warrant a perma ban (were you the where’s the role play guy)
  8. Piemp


    yes you can add something if you are not the owner the owner of it just has to say he approves on the post @Bapee
  9. + Support would be cool to have
  10. -Support dont think this would work well
  11. I mean do I even gotta explain +SUPPORT
  12. yooooo we should run it up on prp
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