What you want to see? - New map added if its able to be optimized
Why should we add it? - Completely new map which will bring a very enjoyable experience for everyone. New places to explore, rob, base and etc. New routes for people to escape from police.
What are the advantages of having this? - New map will bring more players seeing a map I haven't seen on other servers. Having a totally new map will avoid the staleness of going back to old maps that we have had before.
Who is it mainly for? - Entire player base and new players. Any version of this map would be good after reading the description another server does use this map and normally update it so I am not sure if that affects anything
Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2486584849&searchtext=Paralake
Only suggestion I would make is to change the Fire Department to Tac Base