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[GL] Fizz-y Soda

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Everything posted by [GL] Fizz-y Soda

  1. Part of the rules. Don't advertise. If you post it in a channel, it's advertising. Only send invites in PMs AND the other person consents to the invite. If you pm invites without permission, they can report you for advertising
  2. What IF tho, a swep is made to spawn in a tool gun ? Then have them spawn in with the swep. still don't think it's gonna be easy.
  3. +Support Is taking preventative actions. Deserves to get unbanned.
  4. I thought it was Gam3 that did this? +Support. Been a while.
  5. Were you brought to a sit? +Support
  6. +Support I remember when you were an JR. It's definitely a good time for you to take a step up.
  7. Congrats on pushing through to do this apology. It shows a lot about your character development. Do not stop.
  8. That actually wasn't that long ago. I remember it clearly. I really don't think you have what it takes to be staff at this time. -Support
  9. I remember feeling this was a little unfair when I would play on the mech, however I would still get screwed because MTF would just wait in front of me as I approached my inevitable doom. It would be nicer if you can take damage while you're in this state so CI can strategize about regen periods. Obviously, you would want to take out the biggest threat too. Just like in other games, you target support players to make sure they can't help the rest of the team, or take out the player dealing the most damage then mow the rest. +Support overall.
  10. You have to ATTEMPT. Obviously if you see that there's no one there to give you one, you ATTEMPTED to get one.
  11. Make sure desktop recording is disabled.
  12. This suggestion has been denied before. You would need more specifications that are different from the previous suggestions if you want this to get accepted this time.
  13. +support Need more dog stuff. Haven't ever seen a K9
  14. Changing to +Support Thank you for listening to what we had to say. The models you've picked are awesome. Enjoy your update!
  15. -Support Still not comfortable with 200HP medic job nor the tanky ass marksmen with increased slots... Still from the last update attempt.... If HCMD suddenly agreed to the same thing as before, then that's on them. I'm sticking with -
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