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Everything posted by leshark

  1. -support you were literally denied a week ago for lack of activity. one single week of activity is not enough to show commitment that's sufficient for an LC role. on top of that, other PD members indicate you weren't even that active since you were last denied. Please take this feedback seriously and spend a significant amount of time (1+ month, at least) showing that you're serious about becoming a Command member before applying again.
  2. Well known minge and does not belong on the server until he figures out how to chill tf out and not cause problems constantly...
  3. -support and basically an instant deny Hopefully in five days you'll learn that nobody wants a blowjob from you.
  4. Im so glad this didnt turn into a brown nosing thread
  5. -support 40 warn bans are not eligible for appeal, you had 40+ chances to correct your behavior and you failed to do so.
  6. comply with staff next time then
  7. +Support I've had many unpleasant experiences with this kid and he clearly needs a break from the server in my opinion...
  8. Sorry bud but this app is the same quality as your Lieutenant app. You gotta work on making these a bit more professional. -support
  9. -support Haven't been impressed with how he behaves on the server toward other players and staff so I'm gonna have to agree with frog
  10. -support for voting yes on your own poll...
  11. You're appealing an unban? Ok approved. you're still banned
  12. +Support Anything to decrease the constant abuse of the mug system for RDM.
  13. -support for reasons above and voting yes on your own application is a bad look lol
  14. Hey guys! Unfortunately the time has come for me to resign from SWAT. I’m moving in two weeks, graduating university soon, and getting married next September, so my free time is slowly dwindling. I haven’t been on much lately so I’d rather my roster slot go to somebody who will have more time to participate. Ill be sure to say hello when I have time to play and see you guys patrolling, and thanks so much for the opportunity and fun!
  15. What do you mean by "moving on to the next stage in life"? If you're in a moment of crisis, please reach out to some form of support. It's tough out there right now but there are people who care that are willing to help, too.
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