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[GL] Zeus

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Everything posted by [GL] Zeus

  1. Pretty sure some SMT said we can station upto if I'm not mistaken 3 MTF at the gate and if an entire CI raid cannot take down 3 MTF then I see an issue. More so may I mention, over the past few days when they have been complaining, literally NO ONE has used gate B. It exists for a reason, now you may say isn't it near E11 base tho. I mean on times when there were no E11 on too. Still maintaining my -Support
  2. This literally goes against the very suggestion, we know CI are in the facility with in RP info so why wouldn't we guard the gates to prevent an exfil? More so the advert of a CI Raid is in fact in RP so I don't see why that is a problem. If the advert is in RP, we can act in RP. Now if the advert is out of RP then that's a different issue, more so if its out of RP why even bother adverting if no one can use that info in RP and act with that said info. And tbh it makes sense that a covert foundation would have guards stationed at the gates and not leave it unguarded, maybe make a limit on how many MTF can station there as a compromise. I understand what the suggestion is trying to do but the clauses stated in here are flawed arguments that contradict each other. -Support for now
  3. Squash, we all love and cherish you and we want you to be safe and love yourself too. Don't push yourself too much, you can talk to me about anything, be it even the stupidest problem ever, I'm here for you man. (TheZeus#9823) You were a real one to me and I'm not gonna let you deal with your problems alone, we are all here for you. We all love you, don't forget that.
  4. Leaning +support I think he just has enough experience, I may be mistaken though.
  5. Imma miss you man, I remember recommending you for PD. You were a fucking amazing dude. May you prosper in whatever you do in life o7
  6. -Support It’s a good way to present your dislikes on a particular subject and if someone is clearly on the forums to troll or post something stupid, they get a dislike which is mentioned on the profile so next time, others looking at their post or profile understand that they may have done something wrong. If there is abuse of the rep system, just report it to the forums diplomats.
  7. The last question isn’t answered correctly, usage of logs isn’t mentioned, neither is the issuing of a warn and issue of the subsequent ban by an admin+ mentioned. -Support
  8. Imma be on that weed skin vibe @Rektifyyou know what it izzzzz
  9. [GL] Zeus


    Damn he do be leaving doe :sadge:
  10. In Game Name: Zeus Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:190171360 Job applying for (O5 Logistics - MEDIC +/ADEPT + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF/CI RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | O5 Research - Research/CI RND Researcher+): Red Right Hand If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: Any on but mostly 05-4 (The Gansgster) as he hops on when I’m usually on How many Warns do you have? 4 warnings and 1 of them is a joke warn from @Phillers(cause he got mad I warned him) Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I would like to join the 05 staff team as it gives me vibes of A1 that I dearly miss. I’ve been on the server for a long time and a large portion of that was as A1 and frankly I’d do anything to have that RP back. It’s something else to do than the usual PVP that we deal with on a daily basis. I wanted to apply sometimes back but it got denied cause I was HCMD so here I am again to try and get into this esteemed regiment. Why should we accept you: I have a decent amount of experience escorting VIPs and dealing with enemies as I have been A1, in A1 specifically I mained ITM which dealt with interrogation, torture and manipulation for information, I was also a Coldsilver (Overseer) , Omi9 Experimental and Shades Task Force E4 (Deputy Head of Spades) More so I was the former E11 commander and CI Captain. I have good PVP experience and know all the tactics to the site pretty well and the areas to hold. I have recently come back and started being more active than ever and I wish to bring myself back into other branches besides the ones I have reserves in and help out, thus I decided to join the O5 staff team in the process and help out. Thank you for reading my application and I wish the best of luck to all the other applicants (No there isnt a word requirement BUT write how much you think will be needed to get your app accepted)
  11. +Support Clear evidence of switching jobs to avoid NLR
  12. -Support Event idea is quite bland, this is just like every single GOI raid ever, and no details are given of the "unknown entity" and such. Bland event idea imo Disrespectful ingame from many command members testimonies More so has a lot of warns recently and was also found necroposting to get the minimum for staff, giving me the impression he is just doing this for the ULX rank Hasn't been here long enough in my eyes.
  13. Leaning -Support As the last question isn’t answered properly at all. There was no use of logs, no warn was issued and the punishment to be issued wasn’t specified along with which higher staff rank would have to be called to issue said ban.
  14. *USE THIS FORMAT* If you do not follow the format your report will be deleted. Topic Title AdminName - False Warn Report ========================================================================================== 1. Questions 2. Your In-game: Zeus 3. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:190171360 4. The admin's name in-game: Commander Pooders 5. The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL]Pooders 6. What warning did you receive: rdm 7. Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/1994ba159d22d301a9c95b3ef93a4525 8. Why do you think this warn was false: Player in question who i "killed" asked for a reset and the said member will also vouch on this forums post that he asked for a reset. The staff member immediately issued a warn without even waiting to listen to the other side of the story 9. Any extra information:
  15. - Support I don’t think you just foolishly take part in “Mass Racism”
  16. I wonder what my fav swear word is Forreal tho, I will miss you doing stupid shit on the server. *erm /me scratches chin* Imma see you on the discord you cutie
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