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a frog

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Everything posted by a frog

  1. -support i dont think ci needs another special class right now seeing how they have 4 with the 2 prax fists and the class with the wrangler (coded by igneous) also the bio eng (also coded by igneous) also 912 is a minge scp and is never used really to help the foundation
  2. yes i do agree that if you call a kos on a entire branch for one sleuth that it is a mega waste and also sucks for the sleuth since they barley get to rp as is so i agree with you there. And if you feel that they are abusing it please go to the o5 about it since we dont need people calling them to much because it is in fact a abuse of power and fail rp to call a entire branch kos for one guy
  3. Task Force Mission: Immortal cyborg clones created from the flesh of a dead god, Tau-5 utilizes esoteric and experimental Foundation weaponry to investigate and contain thaumaturgic, magical, and psionic threats. my man they are legit immortal cyborgs
  4. -support as far as im concerned the knives can be the sharpest anomalous scp on the world cause god damn the riot shield needs to be countered
  5. +support but yea bread might wanna make some of the better stuff donor locked cause the acog is a very good gun and should at least be a silver and all that but really nice job
  6. -support I for one am in support of weeding out a entire branch for what they did (look at when nu7 killed 8 rrh because wanted stepped into a level 5 room and d4 called a kill code on them) sometimes people need other people to keep them in check and thats where the knowing your place comes in hand d4 and other people that can call mass kos's keep the other branches in check so one doesnt do something very stupid like killing all of the level 5 researchers and engineers in that room (btw d4 kill codes arent going away)
  7. It would be cool if people were fighting and this scp walks into a room and then everyone has to stop fighting until they leave mega + support
  8. changing my - support to a +support then thank you ci ik it might seem petty but a extra person can make all the difference in a battle
  9. +support security update ee.mp4
  10. -support After talking to nenea, it was supposed to be 8 slots to e4 not nine so im changing mine to a - support
  11. Lore Name:Frog Rank: Lead researcher SCP:035 /610 Question / Idea: What would happen if you put 035 and 610 into the room and how would they react to each other Background Research:The entity named scp-610 is a pile of flesh that is known to infect anything that it touches that is biological and the other 610's can vary to attacking everything in its way or infects anything in its way like the original 610. The other entity is 035 it is a porcelain mask that can persuade people to wear it and can also infect the host to where it gains full functionality and memories of the host that puts it on and it is known to be persuasive and it hostile to almost anyone that comes near it Hypothesis:My hypothesis would be that one of them would try to infect the other and gain the power of 035 or have the power of 610 Observations (What Happened During Test):I had a mtf squad meet me at 035's cell and help me recover the mask so we could use it for testing, the mtf had 2 hazmat units so they wouldn't be infected and earmuffs on to stop them from hearing 035. We then had a dclass put on the mask so 035 could walk into the cell so the mtf wouldn't have to,035 complied with our orders and then entered the cell. When 035-2 entered the cell he saw the creature and was told on 610's pa to try to convince it to put the mask on. The 035 complied and was talking with 610 for a second until 610 started to go towards 035,035 tried to fight the 610 but it ended with vain without a thought 610 knocked off 035 of the host and then presumed to turn the dead d class into 610. After that Dr. Bright rushed into 610's cell trying to kill it but he was turned to causing 610 to breach, the mtf also had tried to kill 610 but the Dr bright 610 ran at them and turned them into 610 as well, It wasn't long before everyone in the room got turned into 610 as well.The test was terminated and all other personnel took the elevator out and when the 610 went up they were met with 4 mtf units and were terminated and later the 035 mask was contained by mtf hazmat units and put back into its cell. Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):The conclusion ended with 610 infecting 035 by just be faster than him and it ended in a breach caused by Dr bright. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?Yes it was the two tried to infect each other like I said they would
  12. but would 610 be friendly twords them
  13. +support cool branch update but im sad you are taking the monkey from dr bright since that was his main gimmick also better R.I.G
  14. yea m8 i get that but it can still be utilized if ci put it on a branch update as a donor class while making accessible to everything like I said I think this would be like nu7's scp but everyone can play it and could add alot of roleplay for ci also im changing my -support to a + support since i can see ci having alot of fun with this all i think is that it should just go ahead and put it on the ci's actual branch
  15. yo now that i think about it this is basically another ci donor class (which they already have 2 donor classes) like wtf in my opinion this should just be put in a branch update removing another donor class for ci and putting this in its place (but thats just my take on it, feel free to criticize)
  16. +support really good branch update dog fits e11 well *totally unbiased high command e11 frog*
  17. -support ahh yes i would love to fight a immortal Maynard that can call out where special forces and where high command/o5 are and also cant be killed like maynard and we have no way of making it stop reporting things plus you know even 3 spy classes funny
  18. +support Seems like a good change fore the weapons - support on the fg42 damage getting nerfed since its never used and already kinda bad
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