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Posts posted by BadAim

  1. What do you want to see? -  New models for Purge Troopers!

    Why should we add it? -  It would allow me to do more with the battalion for rewards (Making some of the bodygroups unlocked by completing a specific task: ex. Valor in combat, Trainer of the month, Service, etc.), and it would also give me a unique model for my specialty troopers!

    What are the advantages of having this? - Better color coding and visibility for Purge troopers, a lore-friendly commander pauldron, and it gives troopers extra incentive to work hard to gain access to bodygroups

    Who is it mainly for? - Purge Troopers

    Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1536195364&searchtext=Inquisitorius

    Note: If this were to be added, the Models would go onto the Jobs in this order:

    Purge Trooper Command: models/player/worthy/commander/bf2_p1_trooper.mdl

    Purge Trooper Officer: models/player/worthy/officer/bf2_p1_trooper.mdl

    Purge Trooper Sergeant (this job is in the next battalion update): models/player/worthy/junior_nco/bf2_p1_trooper.mdl

    Purge Trooper Heavy: models/player/worthy/senior_nco/bf2_p1_trooper.mdl

    Purge Trooper Brawler: models/player/worthy/senior_nco/bf2_p1_trooper.mdl

    Purge Trooper: models/player/worthy/enlisted/bf2_p1_trooper.mdl 

  2. 10 hours ago, [GL] Inaccurate said:

    +Support from removing them from D-Class. If D-Class can't have the falcon 2 there is no reason why they should have these weapons, which are arguably stronger.


    And the ACM, a 200 100 class, doesn't stand a chance against these weapons, even with an F2000

    The falcon isn’t allowed and consistently with rules on guns must be kept

  3. In-Game Name: BadAim

    SteamID: STEAM_1:0:81238702

    Rank: Senior Mod

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified):  1 week

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Burnout

  4. On 2/15/2020 at 2:25 PM, Doggo0 said:


     - Has been on the server for a long time and knows the rules.

     - Only 2 warns, both of them from August.

     - I see him on often, and he's not always mingy.

     - Good app.

    But he can be mingy at times. If he can improve on this I think he could be a great addition to the staff team.


  5. One thing I've noticed from my battalion is that there isn't a lot setting it apart from other battalions other than its (rare) interaction with IQ, and I hope to make it more unique by making the battalions focus heavy weaponry. IQ's defensive rule matched with Purges new load-outs and HP nerfs should help to encourage team play from the 2 battalions

    Adding 1 Job

    Job Name: Purge Trooper Sergeant

    Model Path: models/player/sample/purge/sgt/sgt.mdl

    Weapon Kit: rw_sw_rt97c, rw_sw_bino_dark, rw_sw_s5c, cross_arms_swep, rw_sw_e11_noscope

    Health: 400

    Armor: 150

    Description (Optional): N/A

    Note: Please buff the RT-97c's fire rate to 725RPM, damage to 40, and mag cap to 150

    Changing 4 Jobs

    Job Name: Purge Trooper Command

    Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Adding weapon rw_sw_dlt19x, rw_sw_e11_noscope, and rw_sw_rt97c, Removing weapon rw_sw_s5c , rw_sw_t21, and rw_sw_tl50, Lowering HP to 700

    Job Name: Purge Officer

    Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Changing job name to Purge Trooper OfficerAdding weapon rw_sw_rt97c and rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50, Lowering HP to 475

    Job Name: Purge Trooper Heavy

    Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class:  Adding weapon rw_sw_z2 and rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50, rw_sw_dlt19, and rw_sw_t21, Lowering HP to 450

    Note: Heavy WLs will be wiped and the process of joining this Specialty will be difficult. Please also increase the Z2’s fire rate to 1000RPM and damage to 25.

    Job Name: Purge Trooper Brawler

    Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class:  Adding weapon rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50

    Job Name: Purge Trooper

    Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class:  Adding weapon rw_sw_rt97c and rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50 and rw_sw_dlt19

    If you have any issues with the changes being made please contact me and I'll consider changing them.

    Let me know if there are any issues with the formatting as this is the first time I've made a Branch Update post

  6. With the recent Purge Update, we seem to have received incorrect weapons on multiple classes.

    Purge Trooper:

    Change weapon rw_sw_tl50 to rw_sw_dc15a_o

    Change weapon rw_sw_s5c to rw_sw_dc17 

    Purge Trooper Heavy:

    Remove weapon ssp_z6-s and rw_sw_dlt19

    Change weapon rw_sw_t21 to rw_sw_valkenx38a

    Change weapon rw_sw_s5c to rw_sw_dc17 

    Change weapon rw_sw_tl50 to rw_sw_dc15le

    Purge Officer:

    Change name from Purge Officer to Purge Trooper Officer

    Add weapon ssp_z6-s

    Change weapon rw_sw_s5c to rw_sw_dual_dc17

    Change weapon rw_sw_tl50 to rw_sw_dc15le_o

    Purge Trooper Brawler:

    Add weapon ssp_z6-s

    Remove weapon rw_sw_tl50

    Purge Trooper Command:

    Change name from Purge Trooper Command to Purge Commander

    Change weapon rw_sw_tl50 to rw_sw_dc15a_o

    Change weapon rw_sw_t21 to rw_sw_dc15x

    Remove weapon rw_sw_s5c 

  7. 1 minute ago, Kratos™ said:

    This is SCP RP, not Breach

    - Support

    These buffs will get to the point where there is no foundation for CI to raid, for class-D to escape from, and for SCPs to wreak havoc on.

  8. The lowest point on the server sparked the rise to my highest point funnily enough.

    Right after I was banned and got blacklisted from Nu7, A1, and Security, I joined E11.

    I still couldn't be more thankful for the opportunity E11 gave me, as it taught me how to be a leader, and got me to where I am today.

    thank you @Jakub, @Blitz, @Bog, @Bucket, and @Kratos™ for being brothers and friends. You 5 helped me out so much.

    • Thanks 1
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