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Posts posted by BadAim

  1. 44 minutes ago, Kratos™ said:

    Maverick has been nothing short of a Model Death Trooper. When he joined my Battalion, from the start he was responsible and respected quickly by his peers. He was quick to take control and prove that he can handle the responsibility of Command. He's reliable and he gets shit done.

    Major +Support from me.

    A commanders blessing is all I need. +Support

  2. On 1/7/2020 at 12:55 AM, jackrhyssull said:


    but there is one thing there are other battalions that need their stuff added first that’s waited months and I will under stand if they add the other updates to other battalions first due to they have had the issue for longer and it would make sense but your suggestion is very good tho 👌👍

    -Grand Moff Tarkin

    But we’ve been waiting since our branch was made 😜

  3. 51 minutes ago, Arium said:


    Corner is way more than qualified to assist in running this branch. I have seen him do a exceptional job at running branches or large groups of people before. I believe Corner 100% deserves this position. 

    Only downside is that you don't use your mic, but even then, it just goes to show that you are capable of leading these groups and branches without even needing your mic.

    I can completely see corner in Gamma Command even with his mic issue

    • Thanks 1
  4. 15 hours ago, shut up blanke said:


    Known him ever since I joined CI ages ago, supported me and grew me to low command before I left. Came back to this thread just for him.

    Stg if you don't get this position CI is fucked.

    You know shits going down when blanke comes out of nowhere to +support this legend

  5. On 1/2/2020 at 8:22 PM, October said:

    +/- support

    I do like this idea, but I think that there would have to be even stricter limitations than those for the custom character models, and implantation would be hard as well.

    As do I! maybe something like posting a picture of the hitbox as well to ensure balance?

  6. 7 minutes ago, [GL] Alec said:

    Mate us janitors are a force to be reckoned with, don't make enemies of us

    Damn I lost the part of my suggestion where I said give them lightsabers, I’ll get back to you when I find it 

  7. What do you want to see? - the removal of weapons from janitors

    Why should we add it? -  Don't think anyone would say the players on the janitor job aren't minges who frequently RDM. I understand that they are ex-SMT or something along the lines of that but its just stupid, and they shouldn't be breaking rules constantly. I think this would hopefully cut down on these issues.

    What are the advantages of having this? - RP could take place more often

    Who is it mainly for? - Janitors

    Links to any content - 

  8. Hey yall,

    As the title suggests, I will be leaving Janitorial, and my staff rank will hopefully be transferred later. 

    I will be keeping my part of my reasoning for doing this private to not start any issues, but the other part is because I've been having a lot of fun on ImperialRP, and I have had zero interest in getting on any of my RP ranks for a while.

    I don't want to do any shoutouts/farewells to anyone in particular, because the people who I would have done it for know who they are, and how they've helped me.

    I'll always love you guys, sorry to do this right before the return of trashman,


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