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Posts posted by BadAim

  1. (Note: Please test out this addon on the test server before pushing it into the main server as I did encounter some bugs when using it on singleplayer.)


    What do you want to see? - Just an addon I found that lets people walk throughout VTOLs while they are moving.

    Why should we add it? - It'd be a lot more immersive than just having everyone fly out the back once a VTOL takes off.

    What are the advantages of having this? - It could be used to give Heavies in battalions more use with SF (gun runs), Special Forces could do some cool airborne ops (jumping out of the VTOL onto an enemy base)

    Who is it mainly for? - All battalions

    Links to any content - 


    https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=531849338 (Required content)

  2. 7 minutes ago, TAlila said:

    -Support: Only Reason is its not LFS

    We previously used the SW:V system and changed over to LFS. Please find an AT-ST that uses LFS.

  3. 46 minutes ago, JJWCKK said:

    I was told SMT want to keep republic era weapons into the battalion as it is a battalion created in the CW era. however, from an a observable fact, the time set for IMPRP is 15-20 years into the imperial era in starwars, which means ALL clone wars era weapons and transport have been replaced and presented as inferior to the modern weapons of the empire. 

    Also I said I assumed this was their opinion on the issue

  4. Purge Trooper's SOP:


    Officer application format:

    1. Name and Rank:

    2. SteamID(find it here: https://steamid.io/):

    3. Why do you think you are fit for the position of 2LT?:

    4. What makes a good Officer?:

    5. What are some things you would do that other Officers aren't doing right now?:

    6. You walk into Inquisitor bunks and you see 3 Purge, 2 enlisted and 1 NCO, interrupting Inquisitors and minging. What do you do?:

    7. Anything else you would like to tell us about you?:

    (You must be MSG+ to apply.)

  5. On 3/30/2020 at 8:36 AM, zoomzoom6918 said:

    Will there be a discount for VIP+ like a spring sale? I am not in the best situation because I am not a grown-up yet but I have enough for it. Just wondering if it is worth it or should I wait for a discount.

    There is right now!

  6. What do you want to see? - A white and black variant of the sawtooth crystal added to the store, of course with an added fee for the rarity of these colors.

    Why should we add it? - It would add more variation to the store and attract more customers!

    What are the advantages of having this? - More donations to the server

    Who is it mainly for? - IQ

    Links to any content - N/A

  7. 7 hours ago, th3 said:

    Most of the time the reason why a suggestion gets denied is because SMT tested it and determined that it couldn't fit into what the Server needs. Other reasons could be that it isn't something they think the server should get or if they already have something in mind. The most common reason is something else is already being added/removed/changed so its not beneficial to do an almost similar thing twice. Two stones, one bird.


    8 hours ago, Bionicle said:

    I mean +/-supports are mainly so SMT can see the community’s opinion on a post. Most of the time it just comes down to SMT’s decision, but they do look at community input.


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