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Posts posted by BadAim

  1. I personally do not have the time to get on the server, as I am in multiple command positions across different gaming light servers, I have staffing and event matters to attend to, and on top of that I’ve been playing Rust with some friends.

    From what I remember when I was on the sever, I saw no issue with it. I think that it is in a fine place, and that TTT is simply a competitive game mode to run a server on.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Yoooooo I just saw this

    You were my MENTOR dude. You absolutely prepared me for the position I am in currently, thank you so much for that. You were such an awesome guy to hang out with, and it sucks to see you go 😧

    See you around man!

  3. 3 hours ago, frog said:

    actually yea this concerns me and i would have to say it would have to be a thing like joining explosive specialist only command can give it out and locked out at lvl 65

    or like the ci sleuth

    I like the idea of having handlers so you don’t just have 3 dogs roaming EZ. 
    maybe this could be interview based and be a specialty?

  4. +/- leaning to -

    +respected member of the community

    -for Q14 you can absolutely come up with more than “I get on late at night”. Sell yourself man! Talk about your RP rank, brag about yourself!

    -Q15 needs a redo. Keep in mind as a trial mod you cannot ban, and you shouldn’t verbal warn for MRDM.

    I can see you getting into staff but you need to put forth a better effort!

  5. 2 hours ago, Sinnik said:


    I agree 100%. RCF should be a proper sub-branch. RCF needs a proper ranking structure and RCF members should be able to grow and be promoted for their work. 

    This would be an amazing change and I’m all for it!

  6. This is an updated post with suggestions given by Adam added in.

     Name: Purge Trooper Command

    Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Adding weapon rw_sw_dlt19x, rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50,

    Job Name: Purge Officer

    Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Changing job name to Purge Trooper Officer, Adding weapon rw_sw_e11_noscope and rw_sw_dlt19x, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50 and swep_mexicanshockstaff

    Job Name: Purge Trooper Heavy

    Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class:  Adding weapon rw_sw_z2, sp_z6-s, and rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50, and the rw_sw_t21

    Note: Heavy WLs will be wiped and the process of joining this Specialty will be difficult. Please also increase the Z2’s fire rate to 1000RPM and damage to 25.

    Job Name: Purge Trooper Brawler

    Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class:  

    changing model to: models/player/sample/purge/sgt/sgt.mdl

    Adding weapon rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50

    Job Name: Purge Trooper

    Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Adding weapon rw_sw_e11_noscope and sp_z6-s, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50

    (TL-50 doesn’t make much sense to have on the job and the E-11 fits lore better and is also better for trigger discipline in my experience.)

    Increase the DLT-19s magazine cap to 100 since it is considered an LMG and right now the ammo count runs out quickly while trying to lay down fire.

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