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Dredgen last won the day on September 11 2019

Dredgen had the most liked content!


About Dredgen

  • Birthday 07/15/2004

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Veteran (12/14)

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  1. + Support This will be his 10TH BAN! This guy has no care for the rules, and his previous bans show it, honestly surprised he isn't blacklisted yet.
  2. Apprentice up to Darth is given the DC-17 Extended Pistol, however Patron rank does not have it, despite being equivalent to Darth. Not sure if it wasn't added due to it being a old rank back when the server was released, but figured I'd report it just incase.
  3. Tf is that callsign though? + Support
  4. + Support Its just annoying to have people abuse this.
  5. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=506283460
  6. Damn those PD are like GTA Cops.
  7. + Support Having a variety of knives to buy would be cool, and could be great for certain roleplay scenarios. and if Matthew comes back, he will finally have a knife.
  8. + Support 30 Warns, interesting ban record.
  9. @WillTime to legally do Military Convoys now.
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