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Everything posted by Dredgen

  1. If you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know.
  2. - Support You are the worst type of people of the gaming community, no, in fact the internet itself, you put peoples lives at risk for the shit you do, you don't deserve to come back to this server, community, or anywhere else you are banned from. Also we know this is your ALT, you created the account 12 hours ago.
  3. Breaking News! Local government vehicle theft drops to 0%! (But in all seriousness, just call staff with proof).
  4. - Support Doesn't matter, don't play it over your mic, and don't mic spam.
  5. Pretty sure this was suggested in the past, and denied, but either way + Support
  6. Shut down due to server player base inactivity.
  7. Alright, I'll get the videos tomorrow when I'm available of all of this if you just want to flat out lie now.
  8. I will explain some events that I feel might be the reason. I am doing my job as a cop, you and your friends were arrested for resisting arrest, and then later had guns, when you were arrested, you called a sit, which ended up not being in your favor, you and your friend were arrest for 10 years for a multitude of charges and were EXTREMELY disrespectful to me, and fellow officers. Once you were released, you none stopped cop baited me, and my 2 partners by following me, ramming me, harassing me both in voice chat, and OOC, and RDMed me on a active shootout situation, you then after that went into OOC and started more problems in chat, as well as admitting to cop baiting, and still harassing me. I have video evidence of ALL OF THIS, and I am willing to crop it all down if required. - Support Fix your attitude in game next time.
  9. - Support Just because it isn't on the rules, doesn't mean it can't be enforced, this falls under FailRP, and should be common sense when it comes to spawning something like that in prison, this has been a topic brought up in the past involving rules not being listed in the rules, so again, this is just a lack of common sense issue.
  10. Could you give some context on the situation? I literally see nothing in the screenshots explaining the situation.
  11. Starwars the Force Unleashed (The first one) or Starwars The Old Republic
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