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Zero X

Scythes of Paradise
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Everything posted by Zero X

  1. Yeah I received 25 warning points for downvoting people who downvoted me but it was on the main discord and I don’t talk in there I think someone was just upset worth my rightfully so
  2. Your name: Zerox Your Discord ID name: Zerox#0821 Your Discord ID code : 200763301301321728 Which discord server were you banned on? The main gaminglight discord What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? I do not Why do you deserve to be unbanned? because I know for a fact I never spoke in the main discord and I think it was just a mad admin
  3. Scythes of Paradise was made to benefit the server and give players who are tired of playing solo or missing out on running around with a team mowing people down. This family also introduces another option of family besides the main ones (no hate towards any family at all) this family was strictly created to add another selection to the server. We are a neutral family looking to keep to ourselves and would not like to be at war with anyone, I strongly emphasize to all of my members that toxicity is not condoned and they are not allowed to start beef with other families. If a player from my family is attempting to start something with your organization please message me on discord @Zerox#0821 or @ICE#3766. Scythes of Paradise Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ASCbGpdaYqkxumgMqW2FF_GXbw2WqnsS-ouKY6mrVrc/edit?pli=1&pli=1 Scythes of Paradise Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PZIfjdnnpxRepOtQMdOor1p-bh-Bcuc70o4L8dossns/edit?ts=6025c0e7#gid=0 Scythes of Paradise SOP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mUwrPgpCGKiwav8s1099uCpdc4gvHLWScSLXfHdRPXo/edit Scythes of Paradise Discord: https://discord.gg/UpTpzuU2Bz
  4. +Support i literally thought when I bought it you could make all 4 of them different colors but now I’m stuck with Red and a Cringey name on my printers
  5. +Support The Negev is no longer an op gun a big reason for people to buy CC is the Negev If there is not a special gun for custom class only access CC purchases will definitely decline Also pretty much impossible to do by yourself against gov now because of these new guns.
  6. I want to start this off by saying sorry to Jimmy, I dont know why I had such a stick up my a** about you, you are a great guy good SMT and overall funny person to be around I know I messed up and said some really really disrespectful things to you, at the end of the day I respect the position you are in and that I still have the ability to post on here and play GL I hope one day we can repair our relationship, everything I said was reactionary garbage that shouldnt have left my mouth so I am sorry. To UMC, I am especially sorry, that night OG and UMC cut ties I didnt even know until an hour later so I reacted like a complete retard I know theres definetly nothing I can do to mend my relationship with the family but I hope atleast a few of you guys are still kinda my friends you are all amazing players to be around and at the end of the day jealousy took over my tongue and I let it get the best of me im not asking to be back in the fmaily because I know that wont happen I just hope I can be friends with you guys again. Lastly to anyone who is on my custom class, All 7 Custom Cars will be added on 2/11/21 Hope to see some of you driving around in them ill have them all spawned in the hospital parking lot if anyone wants to come try them out Love you gaminglight.
  7. Yeah, these things would be nice but the way everything is setup it just wont happen, they have the guns set to a certain amount of damage and they would have to go through and code all of these guns assuming they even can, but a big negative is custom classes wouldnt be OP anymore i mean maybe thats a positive but the reason I bought my cc and alot of other people buy one is for the negev just a few considerations. I do want to see new guns though because the selection is not very selective at all.
  8. Grats prada youll have alot of fun with these guys!
  9. +Support Honestly quite amazing, unlike some people he talks to players like equals when he is roleplaying Fun to get in a traffic stop with Chill guy
  10. I really have no ambition to play tac, maybe its just delta squad idk but crim is where I wanna be right now, Delta Squad is rarely active if so there is only ever 1 person on and I just dont like the department and how its run have fun goodluck thanks for giving me the opportunity to speak to you ecott.
  11. Why dont you just wait for him to hit 40 warns? he already has like 37
  12. Valentino is a really fun guy to play with and is command in pd he knows the rules and would make an excellent staff member.
  13. +Support I would love to see something like this
  14. What you want to see? - Gun skins on the csgo guns, seen on some darkrp servers Why should we add it? - Something else to spend money on kinda like the deathscreens because besides cars there isnt much to spend money on What are the advantages of having this? - None really just something else to spend money on could look pretty cool Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=794419587 https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=861779815
  15. I dont think you are mingey, some people on the server treat it like its their life and its sad that alot of people dont have a sense of humor
  16. this is pretty hawt maybe you can noscope me sometime
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