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About Custumz

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  1. Neutral I believe that you enjoy this community, and want to join the staff team to help the player base. No experience in staffing, I don't typically call this out because everyone needs to start somewhere but going along with my other comments I believe it deserves its place here. I'm not able to look up what your warnings on are the forums, it would be nice to have a screenshot or a response as to what they are for, and how long ago they were given out. I would like to see more detail in the reason you deserver to be staff and your scenario questions. If you were to get accepted I believe you have a lot to learn.. which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I wish you the best of luck!
  2. Custumz

    HOW... !?

  3. +Support Good formatting I liked your scenario answers I believe you would like to help the community/playerbase, and based on what was provided I believe you would make a good staff member. Best of luck!
  4. -Support I apologize as I may not of read the whole thing as the formatting is atrocious, it is so hard to read. You have 30 warns... I have not seen you, granted if you play during the night or late afternoon it would not be possible. Again, there was an issue with formatting so this is all the input I could give you.. either way best of luck on your application!
  5. I'm going to refrain from putting either a -1 or +1, as I don't see a point to it I'd rather just speak about the issue. Though, I am going to give my thought on the whole situation. I don't believe RedSpeeds (Walter) had any negative intentions behind his actions. I do however believe there were some miss-steps made during his decision-making process. Due to all the information provided and gather by myself, my opinion is the maximum punishment he should receive is a strike. I didn't make the guidelines nor do I enforce them but I believe something like this can be fixed just with a conversation, but as he did specifically break a guideline, thus I also do see a management side to it.
  6. -Support You were banned for "Homophobia" simply because of that I can't give you my support.. if you're here to help people I don't believe this is something you should have. "Are you a staff member in another community? yes, Tow games." This question is asking if you're currently staff in another community, which our staff guidelines clearly state that's not something we allow. I also feel your reason for wanting to be a staff member is very lackluster. Typically people do it because they want to help someone, and you led with it's because you wanted to kick it off your bucket list. I do like that you did all the scenario question, but they need a lot of work. Note: This is not to bash you, simply to help you if you would like to apply again.
  7. -Support Little work in formatting "What is your in-game name?: Fijiman i think" {It would be nice to know you're name for sure, and not it just be a thought} It's not necessarily a requirement but it would be nice if you had more than 2 messages in the SCPRP discord and were in the main discord. It's though to see that you starting playing this community in 2016, and made your forums count only a month ago.. The account you applied with was recently created. "Are you a staff member in another community? Yes" it clearly states in the staff guidelines, that you are not allowed to staff in another community along with our community. You also state you have no prior staff experience so I believe you either put no time into making this application or you're just flat out lying. You didn't even finish your application, please look over the format again. Note: This is not to bash you, simply to help you out if you would like to apply for a second time.
  8. Hey Sixx, It has been around two years, and I would like to apologize for this. I don't believe I've officially gone on the record to say I'm sorry so I would like to do so now. A lot of changed, in the past I was really desensitized of everything it was a bad point in my life that I have reflected on and changed a lot in a positive way. Though I don't remember the events too much I would still like to apologize, and I do sincerely apologize to everyone I may of upset.
  9. What is your in-game name?: Custumz What is your steam name?: Custumz What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:156478101 What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): Custumz#0001 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: DevourGaming- Administrator (DarkRP 50-60 population) -This is where I started my "Garry's Mod" experience and I will forever remember this server as I still also have good ties with the community. DevourGaming Revision- Staff Manager (DarkRP 20-30 population) -Same server executives as above Cosmicnetworks- Moderator (DarkRP 30-50 population) -This is where I got a lot of experience as a moderator, from here I only grew Gaminglight- Senior Moderator {Administrator} (SCPRP 100+ population ;)) -This server.. it has great management from what I've seen and is where I started to gain experience as an administrator Elitelupus- Senior Operator (DarkRP 500+ population {run through 7 servers each with around 50-90 population}) -Where I gained a lot of documentation experience and social experience Icefuse- Trial Moderator (MilitaryRP 80-90 population) -Was not my type of community but I learned a lot while I was working under them Atlas Uprising- Administrator {Senior Administrator} (SCPRP 80-90 population) -Atlas is a great community.. though I did have troubles keeping up at the end I learned a lot from them, and I will forever appreciate that What date did you start playing on the community: February 21st, 2019 What date did you make your forums account: February 23rd, 2019 How many warnings do you have on all GL servers: 2 What is your donor rank: N/A Are you a staff member in another community: No Have you read the staff handbook: Yes Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST) Why do you believe that you deserve the rank: Hello friends, foes, and those alike! I go by my online alias which is "Custumz" and I believe I deserve the rank of Trial Moderator because I would like to help the SCPRP server. Over the past few years I've been staffing on many community I've learned a lot and would like to incorporate some of the things I've learned into this community. I've had a good experience with management, and I believe now is the right time for me to make an application. I would like to help the server/community any way possible if it be social or more of working on something. I enjoy a lot of parts in this community but there are also some rotten people which was a trial moderation I would like to deal with in order to help the overall happiness of the community. I also have a lot of skills I can offer in-term for SCPRP which include but are not limited to; time management, problem-solving skills, and leadership/documentation skills. I would like to join the staff team, and I'm willing to offer everything I have for it. Scenario questions: Select any two of the following four questions to answer for this section. Please note, in the scenario questions we are not expecting perfect answers. We are accessing your critical thinking skills, your ability to use the staff handbook, and come to reasonable conclusions. Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you: It all depends on the specific situation but I would tell the player that I'm going to give him a warning and ban him. I would issue the warning and from that point I would ban him if I had the permission, otherwise I would ask a higher-up. Depending on the language and words he uses he may also be warned for disrespect. Otherwise, I would try and calm him down and assure him he's able to appeal both of them. Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation: To start with I would most likely go one by one to each player involved and get their side, then move on to the next player that way they're not all interacting with each other. Now, if that is unavoidable, as the situation has become unproductive and toxic I would let everyone know what my decision is, and from there I would make sure everyone is okay or has any questions and answer them accordingly. Finally, if everyone is calming down and no one was toxic enough to warrant a warning I would return them and spectate if possible.
  10. TRUMPO?! .. Sorry I just haven't seen this legend in a long time. I know I no longer am a part of this community much but I'll vouch for his 2016 staff experience.. man was a legend.
  11. Custumz

    The LOD

    Hello, I'm here today to talk about The Union of D-class.
  12. BonkBoeink, -Support Honestly, I believe everyone deserves second chances. I just don't believe you're ready yet. I've been in your exact situation with another server, I believe you deserve another chance as in a human. But, after reading your application I don't believe you deserve a new chance. You put very little effort in to making your application. I wish you the best of luck ~Iceman
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