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The Gaming Goat

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Everything posted by The Gaming Goat

  1. -Support You 100 percent would be a good person for this job but as stated before your application needs alot more effort. Im sure you could do alot better with it.
  2. Your Rank and Name: Experenced Researcher The Gaming Goat Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Hazardous Materials Research division? I Believe I should be accepted into HMR because I have put a good amount of time and effort into my role as a researcher. I have done a high amount of tests and trainings to bring people into this department and I want to go as far as I can in the research department. As an HMR I think I could do interesting tests that would help me excel as a researcher and let me go farther. Provide links to the documents you have produced on biologically hazardous SCPs: Test was in the discord so heres the whole thing: Name: The Gaming Goat Current Rank: EXP Who else was with you?: 2 Nu-7 Operatives Goose and Dragonhuntera SCP: 035 and 009 What were you trying to find out? Due to the fact that SCP 035s mask has been proven to be indestructible by current means i wanted to test if the red ice would destroy it. What happened during your experiment? After a sample of SCP-009 was delivered via Remote controlled drone scp 035 was instructed to touch the sample. After around 35 seconds SCP 035 finished crystallization leaving only the mask intact inside the crystal. Then the intact mask was delivered back into the containment box with no physical damage in sight.
  3. I feel like scp rp is no longer for me its not fun for me and ever sence all the research updates and me having a broken arm im out of tuch and theres not alot i can do im sorry ill miss most of you but my time has come and i hope all of you the best i might come back and i dont think im done with gamelight but im done with SCP RP im sorry and Goodbye my friends ?
  4. Name (In-Game/Discord): The Gaming Goat Rank (In-Game): HCZ Manager SteamID: Unable to get it at the time Contact me on discord if its really needed How active are you?: Not at all im on LOA due to medical reasons Concerns?:None but i want to say that im coming back Wednesday
  5. What you want to see? - Research command having like 25 more HP Why should we add it? - Because Junior researchers have more hp then research command What are the advantages of having this? - we don't get one hit by wrenches bats knives etc. Who is it mainly for? - Research command Links to any content - None
  6. we dont wanna buy guns from armory ): it takes too long Sorry for mean title i just want our guns back ):
  7. What you want to see? - Our guns back for research command and senior jobs my ideas are glock 18 for senior and Remington pistol for command if not Glock 18 is fine Why should we add it? - Because there was no reason for removing it Jeff never even asked for them to be removed What are the advantages of having this? - we get gujns so we can protect ourselfs from run away d class and stuff Who is it mainly for? - Research Links to any content - None
  8. +Support Amazing researcher Deserves position Active Good luck! ~The Gaming Goat
  9. +support Very good A1 commander would make a good HCZ Supervisor Could be more active on research
  10. Yea i checked this pack isent in the server
  11. What you want to see? - SCP CB props being added to the server Why should we add it? - Because it adds alot of props and most importantly SCP-420-J What are the advantages of having this? - More tests for researchers Who is it mainly for? - Research Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=925670022
  13. +Support Great Moderator Would make a good event team member Seems very creative Been on this server a while ~The Gaming Goat
  14. What you want to see? - A trainer job with access to the F2 menu in research Why should we add it? - Because trainers wont have to call staff for every junior WL making it easer for staff to answer more urgent calls. And also when staff are not on trainers could WL juniors What are the advantages of having this? - Being able to WL when staff are not on or too busy with more important calls Who is it mainly for? - Research
  15. Name: The Gaming Goat SteamID: STEAM_1:0:183269254 What is your ULX Rank?: Bronze How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 9 you can ask me about an scp in site 05 and ill tell you alot about it (not the job pack scps I don't know anything about them) Do you have any experience as a GM or event planner in the past (If so, explain l): I do have experience as an event team planner in this server actually I was kicked off for good reasons How Active are you?: Very Active im on almost every day How many warns do you have?: 1 for swearing and NSFW Chat (i was toxic that day but im not really toxic alot) Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: Well, there are not many good reasons sadly but I have come to ask for forgiveness I was a terrible event Team member I didn't listen I abused my powers but mainly I was confused on what I should have been doing but that's, not an excuse. Coming back I have learned from my ways I know everything I have done and I know exactly what to do if im accepted and I know exactly what not to do I have experience and I have many many event ideas and it just angers me that im most likely not going to be part of event team in this server. Im wasn't mature but igneous himself said I have learned from my mistakes and I think I have. It's debatable on whether I should be accepted or not. But once again I have learned from my ways and im coming back begging the good people of Gaming light Event Team to accept me back. Im sorry and I hope you can forgive me for my mistakes and misdeeds Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): An event I could create would be a facility overrun event were CI would take over the facility by rushing in with military grade armor weaponry and technology Class D would be with them possibly too gensec would get there own buffs by having a Anti CI unit for whoever wants to join (basically high armor and hp people with negevs and super slow speed) and if that fails then a juggernaut unit of MTF would come in and mow CI down basically a event that benefits everyone on the server oh and mb for not saying this but SCPs could also be let out fighting CI class D MTF and everyone What is your favorite SCP? Why? My favorite SCP is Scp-098 I like it because they are little crabs with sharp claws and I think if you boiled them they would taste good.
  16. +Support AMAZING in research I trained him myself a few weeks ago he is already executive I think he would be amazing in ET He is also very active non mingy and well known in the community
  17. LitNotFig's Ban Request LitNotFig - Ban Request Questions Your In-game: The Gaming Goat Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:183269254 The player's name in-game: LitNotFig The player's steam name (If you know it): Idk but i have his steam id STEAM_0:0:455956811 What did the player do: Said "HAVE FUN WITH OWNER HE WILL CRASH THE SERVER FOREVER" I have no idea what he means by that Evidence (REQUIRED): https://imgur.com/pX4KTVz What do you believe should happen to the player: Permanente ban or 1 mounth+ Any extra information: None
  18. Penis Poops ban request Penis Poop - Ban Request Questions Your In-game: The Gaming Goat Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:183269254 The player's name in-game: Penis poop but he changes it The player's steam name (If you know it): No idea but i have his steam id STEAM_0:1:87273484 What did the player do: Told me and tony that he hopes our faimly dies Evidence (REQUIRED): https://imgur.com/uusWYnH What do you believe should happen to the player: Perm ban Any extra information: None
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