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James M

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About James M

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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. + Support Steel, of all people I like to think I have seen your growth the most. From RG CDT to SP. + Active (You just got off of an LOA) +Reliable +Fun +Knowledgeable +Fights for RG I did suggest this HC role. I can show DM between me, and Hobbs. I think Steel will be a good fit for this position, and he can help mold what It can be. I put faith in him running RG, and I believe he can be a good fit to run IQ. He has improved RG, and has become in my opinion a better Sovereign then I was. Steel, I wish you all the best. @Stinker
  2. + Support Long time member Great guy Good app I want him as my sucsessor
  3. This is it. Currently I am bored and I don’t see a real future for me in the sever at the moment. School is a bit to much and I don’t have that much time for the sever anymore. I love you all and the lemon man will get on once and a while, and I better not see all my command resign... @Steelawesome senior guard we’ve become good friends @HawkeyeThe biggest grump of them all @pigon love you man don’t leave just yet @Hobbsi am a rock RJ, Nimo, and Mickey better continue the I hate James M club. @TAlila | Tay Keith!keep up the good work man I’m gonna miss you. Beckett and Hotshot, thanks but or being RG’s favorite VIP, and allowing me to command your personal guard. Adam: DIS MAN is just the biggest good, but is supper good at his job Landen/ Hale: you are just the man to bully me, but awesome Ryan: I hope to see you go far ducks: quack Myan: thanks for working with me I know I can have a do my or brain cell Soph and Rosa: my favorite people to kill Blizzard, Odin, and Mickey I’m gonna miss protecting you all! All of RG I love you all so much, and I will still be around here once in a while. I’ll hop in TS! I do hope I am leaving on a good note and I didn’t screw the battalion. Goodbye GL!
  4. +Support - Active member - Amazing application - Lot's of experience with coding and managing Wishing you the best of luck!
  5. Denied At this time I do not think you are ready for Trial Senior
  6. Accepted Congrats Sarr, Please meet with me whenever possible.
  7. wow i didnt even get a metntion I see how it is nah man Its sad to see you go
  8. MAJOR + SUPPORT -Active -IS loyal to DT and is very competent - Loves DT -Seems like an amazing guy -As a current Vice Commander and the things I hear about him. Hobbs or Classy. You should honestly give this man VC right now.
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