Greg's Resignation.
Regretfully I have lost interest in the server. I'll be back so I'm not gonna right too much here. Goodbye for now.
Coltable/Igneous - You've both been amazing managers. The work you put into the server is just crazy. Thanks for all the updates.
Skela - The most chad guy on SCP-RP. Bye bozo.
Hoovy - An amazing leader of the community, funny and you do so much work and get along with everyone. I don't know if I'll ever get to be able to RPG jump but thanks for trying to show me how.
Twix - You are perfect for DoL but the candy sucks. Pick Snickers or something.
Consario [RETIRED] - You inspired medical to steal everyones kidneys.
Sixx - You were JCMD when I first joined and then I resigned and I come back to you being HoS? Good work man for DoRS, you've been doing amazing on the server for so long and I loved working under you. Don’t take 4 years for O5. The site needs you.
Mind - Sticking with the server for this long takes some serious dedication, You've deserved HoS for a long time.
Akrew - I don’t see much of you cause timezones but when I do you always brighten my day.
Jack Crest - The best Jack. Dude, neither of us were there for you getting DHoS.
Rurikovic - You are great dude, professional and hardworking, Also an amazing voice.
Coolcaz - Really only interacted with you while I was an NCO and homeschooled because timezone differences, but you were super active on black ops. You’ll do great man.
Julias - One of my true friends, the late night convos were unmatched. Keep at it for me?
Drizzle - Same as above, except I could see you really enjoying D5.
Monk - Great guy, I really hope to see you get bitches one day.
Stuwuby - Great warden, stick with it dude! You’ll do amazing in HCMD one day.
Cardigan - You kill me on D-Class way to often man.
Iri - You are an amazing member of the community man. Come back soon?
ZJ - So many promotions. So many times I wanted to promote someone they were on cooldown from you. You are also the oldest guy on the server, they might have to instate a senior discount for you.
Nova - I can easily see you becoming command one day, keep it up.