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Jimmy James

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jimmy James

  1. I've replaced these flower props with no collided props
  2. DENIED Sorry, but community blacklist's are no longer appealable. You may not attempt to appeal this again!
  3. +Support Killer left in good terms as an admin and was a very good staff member. I do agree he likes to mess around, but nothing to the point i would call "Mingy". Despite killers warnings, I think he would be a great addition to add back to the staff team.
  4. @[GL] pizza want to add a reason to your no vote?
  5. There was a reason it was so late it was intentional to keep people on for the black Friday sale
  6. Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  7. Denied. Due to a lack of evidence, or for no rules or guidelines being broken by the staff and or player, no action will be taken against them.
  8. This is something that should be brought up to DS command. It does show will with a weapon out and he should have stopped will but you were under FearRP and ran to the alley starting a gun fight.
  9. I'm pretty sure we had this before it was just missed when we switched maps. As far as I know we plan on adding this back I'm just unable to move the entity so matthew will have to do it.
  10. Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  11. Warning bans are only based on warns from that specific server. This player has 24 warnings on PoliceRP so they are eligible for the 20 warning ban. They will receive a 1 week ban. As a player you really shouldn't worry about the warning bans either that should come from a staff member that knows a bit more about how these bans work.
  12. Denied. Due to a lack of evidence, or for no rules or guidelines being broken by the staff and or player, no action will be taken against them.
  13. +support on zerg being a clown But this ban was warranted by the admin
  14. Accepted Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.
  15. Denied. Due to a lack of evidence, or for no rules or guidelines being broken by the staff and or player, no action will be taken against them.
  16. The reason they are so pricey is to avoid everybody from getting all the death cards
  17. Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  18. Denied. Due to a lack of evidence, or for no rules or guidelines being broken by the staff and or player, no action will be taken against them.
  19. Accepted Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.
  20. Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  21. Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  22. Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  23. Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
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